Low-carb bread replacement recipes?



  • jumanajane
    jumanajane Posts: 438 Member
    Try pinterest...masses of low carb recipes on there for different breads...and everything else too! I have loads pinned to my boards!
  • Ashar33
    Ashar33 Posts: 17 Member
    Ashar33 wrote: »
    I made a pita bread the other day! was pretty good. I don't think it would work as your typical sandwich bread though, sorry. Made a grilled cheese with it one day, used it to dip in Mexican food the next, and then the last day I had it with butter, splenda, & cinnamon for breakfast. Very dense. Here's the recipe https://medium.com/@KetoMyPantsOff

    Hey Ashar, nice blog *bookmarked*, thanks sweetie.

    I'll sure give the Pita Breads a go. Do you think they'd taste OK made into a bacon sandwich with calorie-free pancake syrup? Its a craving i HAVE to satisfy (TOM).
  • Ashar33
    Ashar33 Posts: 17 Member
    jumanajane wrote: »
    Try pinterest...masses of low carb recipes on there for different breads...and everything else too! I have loads pinned to my boards!

    Definitely agree with going on Pinterest! I've found and adapted so many recipes from there! Like my hello kitty fat bombs!
  • Astharteea
    Astharteea Posts: 105 Member
    I don't even try to make bread but I ordered some hamburger buns from ThinSlim Foods and they are delicious!!!! They only have 1 carb (net) per bun. Also Great Low Carb Bread Company makes this rye and sour dough bread with 1 net carb per slice. I never get any side effect from eating it so I think they are safe. I only eat 1 bun a day when I have burgers or 2 slices a day when I make sandwiches, so I don't abuse it. I think you should try them and see if it works for you.
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    @Astharteea thanks for sharing, I'd never even heard of those. I think i will have to order some for special occasions :)
  • Astharteea
    Astharteea Posts: 105 Member
    @auntstephie321 , noooo! They have to stay in the freezer at all times so if you only have sandwiches and burgers once a week... You are going to have the bread for a while :) Mine last for 2 months :) My husband eats regular bread, so each bread has 16 slices and the burger buns, 8 I think.
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    Astharteea wrote: »
    @auntstephie321 , noooo! They have to stay in the freezer at all times so if you only have sandwiches and burgers once a week... You are going to have the bread for a while :) Mine last for 2 months :) My husband eats regular bread, so each bread has 16 slices and the burger buns, 8 I think.

    That would last me a long time since I don't hardly eat that stuff now anyway, then I could just take out what I need each day. :)
  • professionalHobbyist
    professionalHobbyist Posts: 1,316 Member
    I like Flat Out low carb flatbread and low carb tortillas

    But a big piece of romaine makes a good burger bun or taco shell

    Jersey Mikes has an UNWhich that is a lettuce wrap sub.

    I do that

    But I also eat Eureka Seeds The Day low carb high fiber bread... It is so good I few dirty eating it!


  • Astharteea
    Astharteea Posts: 105 Member
    @professionalHobbyist Yes, I also had the low carb flat out and the Mission net carb wrap. I usually have chicken or tuna salad with it. But I just wanted a pastrami and corn beef sandwich with rye bread so the wraps were not cutting it. I was also getting tired of bunless burgers and those ThinSlim buns are surprisingly awesome!
  • CoconuttyMummy
    CoconuttyMummy Posts: 685 Member
    Im probably being stubborn but im determined to not buy pre-made baked goods or flour mixes, low-carb or not. I just like the feeling of my food being homemade & only using ingredients i put in it. No offense to anyone who enjoys factory made produce, but its not for me.
  • Astharteea
    Astharteea Posts: 105 Member
    @CoconuttyMummy that's alright. No offense taken. I'm just not much of a cook, let alone baker.
  • CoconuttyMummy
    CoconuttyMummy Posts: 685 Member
    Well i tried KetoCaveman's Flax buns today and i was pleasantly surprised. Much breadier texture than Oopsies. I didnt find it too heavy - just fine. The recipe would be a keeper but im concerned about the carbs. Theres 10 total carbs but 10 grams fiber, resulting in 0 net carbs. BUT, i dont count net, im a totaller, so 10g total carbs is half my daily allowance for just one sandwich (and i like to keep my carbs more for dinner so i can have a few veggies). Cant quite get my head around whether i should accept that there are 10g carbs in it and move on, or if the flax having the same amount of fiber as carbs means i can discount it. I dont discount anything, so this seems weird to me. What do you think?
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    @CoconuttyMummy I count net. Fiber subtracts out because your body doesn't absorb it. I've found I feel great and have great progress at 40 - 60 carbs a day, with my net being in the 25 - 35 range.
  • CoconuttyMummy
    CoconuttyMummy Posts: 685 Member
    edited June 2015
    Hi auntstephie, thanks hun. Ive been aiming for 20g total carbs, so maybe i'll try 20g net. Hmm.. i really didnt want yet another thing to have to work out every day, total carbs just seems easier, but i can see how fiber can change things.
    I was thinking of raising my carbs slightly anyway actually because im feeling utterly awful since going keto. I dont want to have to raise my carbs, and frankly have no idea if thats what my body's telling me it needs, but ive felt like death 90% of the time since going down to 15-20g total carbs from 50g total carbs (primal/paleo), so my body's telling me its just not happy, for whatever reason. God - i wish there was just one way of doing low-carb/keto, the right way, that was effective... not a billion different ways and different carb amounts and macro proportions for everyone which may or may not have any darn effect. This whole keto thing is so vague to me. I cant work out where my carbs are meant to be. Everyone's so different. What's the magic number of carbs to feel good AND lose weight? *screams*. I wouldnt mind all this trial and error if i wasnt feeling so ill and if the scale was moving, but the scale hasnt moved in weeks.

    Ok, moan over. On the plus side the Flax Buns were pretty good (bit high calorie though, but cant have everything i suppose. I'll just have to have one bun cut into 2 thin slivers. Gawd, this dieting lark is so much fun. Not. )
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Did I read somewhere that in the UK, the carb count on packages is the Net? But in the US, it is not? I don't know but I vaguely remember seeing that somewhere.
  • professionalHobbyist
    professionalHobbyist Posts: 1,316 Member
    deksgrl wrote: »
    Did I read somewhere that in the UK, the carb count on packages is the Net? But in the US, it is not? I don't know but I vaguely remember seeing that somewhere.

    True story

    They will put net carbs on the front of the package, call it diet food, double the price

  • CoconuttyMummy
    CoconuttyMummy Posts: 685 Member
    Nope, its total carbs written on back of our packages, and then another figure which says "of which sugars...?g " and then the fiber count.

    Thats same as US, isnt it?
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    @CoconuttyMummy I was told in another thread that at 50g you would still be in keto but would just take longer to adapt completely, 20g will get you in keto and adapted faster but you can go higher and still get the benefits, especially if you aren't feeling well.

    In the US or labels show all carbs then a sub category of fiber, sugars, or sugar alcohols, I subtract mentally the fiber from the total carb. Other countries keep them separate so the carb count doesn't automatically include the fiber count
  • jumanajane
    jumanajane Posts: 438 Member
    I totally agree @coconuttymummy. I try to make everything from scratch but not everyone has the benefit of time or experience to do that so.....maybe we can come up with some mixes for them that can be thrown together and just stored???
  • CoconuttyMummy
    CoconuttyMummy Posts: 685 Member
    Very true, Jumana, great idea. x