Lolault Member


  • Thanks editorgrrl- all linked now with mapmywalk added aswell, it's a real help being able to actually see how far I've walked and whether to go the long or short way back ;)
  • Hi - I've literally just got a Fitbit (second hand on eBay) I've synced it to my phone etc but I can't sync the Fitbit to myfitnesspal app - really frustrating but I reckon once I've worked that out it should really help with accurate readings against my food diary .
  • Hi familydell - I'm exactly the same but also joined the gym yesterday, I don't do running in any way but the instructor was great he told me a fast walk is more than enough, once you start puffing and panting your burning oxygen not fat or calories (sounds a good enough excuse to me)! I've received a Fitbit today but I…