No HYE cried in public?
No HYE driven a plane?
No HYE done something good to a stranger?
No HYE been to any Arabian country?
OMG yes.. You made me remember a thing HYE traveled to a place that you didn't like?
No HYE traveled to any gulf country? Where?
Yes but I didn't like it HYE traveled to any gulf country? Where?
No HYE tried to be away from the phone for a period of time?
Gentle man
If you watch your daily calories you'll know how to keep your weight ... I somtimes divide my calories during the day when I know that I'm going to eat big amount of calories in a meal
Waching your daily cal is better because you're going to focus on today and you know how much you eat and save... I also like to wach my daily cal because sometimes I need big amount of calories on one meal, so I know how to divide my calories during the day
Nope HYE lived far from your country?
Yes HYE received a beautiful gift?
No HYE received a beautiful gift?
Yes HYE eaten sushi?
I don't know but I think no HYE felt afraid of something and you challenged yourself to do it?
Never I can be late but not waering pajamas HYE been regretful about something?
Never HYE feel that what you cook is not delicious and others really like it?
Never HYE feel that what you cook is not delicious while others really like it?
I do this when I know that I am going to eat high calorie food in lunch or dinner
hahaha... No you're absolutely not crazy because I really understand this situation
Absolutely right ...
Yah and others ask me "what did you say?" And I always answered " I'm talking with myself" hahaha HYE listned to foreign music?
No but on ice cube HYE burned food?
Added you :)
No HYE lied on your best friend?