rheinn1979 Member


  • Instead of committing to 7 days, can you commit to 3? How about one day? How about one meal? Start small, with commitments you know you can keep. We are here to cheer you on. *kitten*, I'm on my 16th commitment of the day. Every hour I will commit to making healthy choices, despite what family/loved ones say or throw at…
  • Hi Samar! Congrats on the 17 lbs, that's still really hard to do. I have been enjoying cardi-yoga, things that are gentle on my back and bones and still providing a cardio work out. Surprisingly enough, the Ring Adventure on the Nintendo Switch is pretty gentle and keeps me from being too bored. And my little ones like to…
  • Ok, I'm a 41 yo mom of 3 under 5. I'm slowly getting driven mad with hunger and toddler tantrums. I need someone who wants to get serious, who can remind me, check in and commiserate. I I can be your cheerleader, your little voice of reason in your head and your compatriot when you need to vent. It doesn't look like I'm…
  • Anyone else here have a thyroidectomy or hypothyroid? I've been eating at a calorie deficit of at least 1000 calories a day for a week, and the scale is not budging off of 239. What does a chick have to do to lose weight around here?? Last year, by this point, I would have been down 10 lbs. Having no thyroid sucks, would…
  • Have you tried the switch fit adventure? My little ones love to watch mommy best the bad guy with squats! Lol.
  • Hi, I've about 100 lbs to lose and 3 kids under 5. Omg, my day revolves around kids whining for junk food.
  • I would like to join too! I lost 100lbs 10 years ago, and after a demanding job, wedding and 3 kids (including twins!) my body is heavier than ever. I have that weird fupa that folds over and sometimes, I lift it to remember what is was like before I was heavy, before my back and hips started hurting, before my EVERYTHING…