jamitchell77 Member


  • That's awesome! You look happy and fantastic!
  • My friend had something similar happen but it was nerve damage in her jaw and she has it for 6 months. Interesting enough she "fixed" hers when she went to a Maroon 5 concert and spent 2 hours screaming her love for Adam Levine. Maybe he's better than a protein shake? Anyway back to what she did… On Amazon.com they have a…
  • I've dabbled (read: bought 20 Paleo cookbooks) in doing Paleo and Whole30. If you're looking for recipe ideas, I absolutely love all the cookbooks by Melissa Joulwan... She has WellFed 1 and 2, and just came out with WellFed Weeknights. Her blog www.theclothesmakethegirl.com is awesome and has a lot of advice and recipes…
  • Chris Powell (from Extreme Weight Loss) wrote a book that's available on Amazon for about $16. It explains it thoroughly. Basically you eat 2 or 3 days with low carbs (less than 50 grams per day) and high protein and fat. Then one day you eat high carbs and protein but low fat. Don't quote me but I think I almost have the…
  • Hi Dannii! I'm in the same boat as you and I'd love to be your friend. I've been tracking my calories for the past two weeks and trying to get out and at least walk 2 miles every day (which is really turning into every other day). I need all the help and motivation I can get. :)