melissawhittaker490 Member


  • Not sure if helpful but I've found wholemeal bread much tastier and filling and it seems to have ore vitamins in. Certainly worth a try but I don't think I could cut it out though. Have reduced it to 2 slices a day and it has helped x
  • Helpful. The booklet dosent have a lot of food points in there so it's not easy to calculate. To be fair given the level of "help" and your sending I probably won't bother with it anyway its "over my head" because I can't figure out what the points are to er tain foods and it's not based on nutritional balance - just…
  • Thanks guys ill see how I do this weigh in lol but yes I'll speak to them. They did a quick intro but it was a bit over my head. I signed up for a month so will stick that out and will find the online app to see if it helps. If not ill just a use this but but give it a chance I guess it may be working but just seems a…
  • Hi all. Thanks for the comments. I think the problem is its the first week and it was explained to quickly and when I asked about what to eat re: points like should be having a certain amount of protein etc they said just stick to the points so didn't really seem right!? I have fruit and salad alot so on some days based on…
  • Weighing you food isn't always possible if your working and buying lunch but you could prepare it before hand if you choose to but don't allow it to consume your day. If you have a desk job or a job with lots of sitting down it can be tricky. Perhaps go for a walk during your lunch break or try walking up and down the…
  • Feel free to add me just started myself though getting weighed later as sdon't actually know my weight but think you've made a great start definitely