Eilief29 Member


  • Ok thanks I'll use that setting instead, I don't log my work as exercise, only the cardio I do as extra like walking/swimming/running. I'm pretty happy with my weight at the moment, I'd like to maybe drop a few more pounds but there is no rush for that to happen I'm looking more towards maintaining at the moment. I don't…
  • Thanks for the info, I've reset my goals for protein and fats a bit higher which I guess would be good for repairing post work out anyway and carbs lower. @Odi - I've found that too, especially refined carbs like bread just make me bloat, but cutting them out completely makes me hungry. It's got to the experimentation time…
  • The fat's I'm getting are the natural fats rather than processed and I'm currently hitting over the protein. I didn't realise that the guideline for fats and protein was a minimum, so I'll keep my eye on the carbs and just keep experimenting with what works best. Thanks for the information guys!
  • Courgette is a zucchini :) stir-fry does sound yummy, I think I have some cashew nuts lying around too that I could use