jamierg89 Member


  • @TavistockToad @nutmegoreo @kimny72 Thank you all for taking the time to give advice, I appreciate it. I will definitely be following the sexypants and strong curves threads!!
  • Ah, now I feel pressured to be funny :# I usually surprise myself when I accidentally say something funny in conversation, see how uptight I am? I've been using myfitnesspal on and off for years and just discovered this online forum thing. I've gained 30 pounds gradually over the course of the past 6 years. I also feel…
  • I just ate a slice of pizza literally 10 minutes ago :#, I rationalized that it was fine because it had veggies on it lol, now I think eating one slice of pizza can be OK for me, it's eating 3 or 4 slices that causes a problem...so far I've resisted the 2nd slice and I feel like I'll make it through this urge...I also have…