jlolsen516 Member


  • I have Eosiniphilic Esohagitis caused by an unknown food allergy. My dr said to eliminate the 6 main foods that people have allergies to for 2 months to see if it clears up.
  • @klrmatrix Welcome back! Good luck to both of us this time around!!
  • @TeaBea I think you read her Comment wrong. Shernie823 said that 1200 was too much, as in, they to eat less calories than that. :)
  • Monday check in. I am back after falling off the wagon for almost 4 weeks. I've gained 3 lbs back. Hohum. I'm back though. My gastroentrologist put me on diet restrictions today. He said no soy, dairy, nuts, seafood, eggs, or wheat. I think this will kick start the weight loss again!
  • @pneschich I understand about your knee with the arthritis. I have rheumatoid arthritis and I have problems with exercises that hurt the joints too. I mainly stick to walking, or chasing my kids around. Sorry I don't have any good suggestions, but I wanted to tell you I am there too!
  • Does anybody else struggle with their calories and feeling like they WANT more food? I drink water all day, and I try to have healthy snacks throughout the day but I have the worst time at night when I'm our of calories.
  • @GOINSTD12 big hugs!!! I am so sorry you are going though this terrible time! I remember being my Mom's caregiver before I could not do it anymore and had to put her in a nursing home. She did not agree with me, but I was losing my mind. I know it is different for it to be your husband, but I am here if you want to talk!…
  • @mzfrizz15 haha pokemon go is all the rage right now, isn't it!? You're right though, walking around getting pokemon is a more entertaining version of exercise than being on a stationary bike!
  • Okay second time typing this. It somehow disappeared last time... ☺ I did not do good yesterday at all! Well, correction, I did good all day, but then lost my resolve at night. I usually go to bed a bit hungry and tell myself to feel proud because that means I am doing this right. Last night I gave in to the beast and had…
  • Every year it's our tradition to go to the fair and spend a whole day there. Well yesterday was our fair day, and I ate so much junk. I knew I was going to before I went, and I told myself it was okay because it was just one day a year, and we try to make it as fun as possible for our 7 children. Today I feel hung over…
  • I like oatmeal with fruit in it.
  • Thursday truth is I'm extremely frustrated! I have very agressive rheumatoid arthritis and my dr put me on prednisone. She didn't however tell me that it can cause excessive weight gain! If she had told me at the time, I wouldn't of taken it! I took it for three months and gained 27 lbs! I am back to my all time highest. I…
  • Thursday truth, I LOVE carbs. I really think I am a sugar addict, and I have been soooo good all week, but boy do I crave!! Today was a "I'd kill for starch" day. I had a plain baked potato for breakfast, mashed potato for lunch, and spaghetti for dinner. It tasted s sooooooo ooooooo good.... mmmmmmm...
  • Hello, I am new to the community, but not to MFP. I need to lose over 100 lbs, and need to stay loyal to the cause. I am having health problems that are aggravated by my weight. I am 33, Mom of 7 children, my oldest is 13 and my youngest is 9 months old. I need to get healthy so I will be around a long time for my kids. My…
  • Hello! I'm also a Mommy and am trying to lose weight I've been collecting with each child! Feel free to add me!
  • Hello! I am from northwest Indiana and also have at least 100 lbs to lose, possibly more. I have to re-evaluate when I get closer to my goals. :)