Gulen28 Member


  • My mistake was underestimating my activity level. I work out 4-5 times a week and I'm running after a toddler all day. My days are long, 5:45 am to 10 pm non-stop running around, I get breaks but not much. So I thought 1300 calories would be fine. It wasn't. Then tried 1700 calories. That wasn't enough either. I'm much…
  • I started cutting 440 calories today, that is %20 off my maintenance. I think what you said is the voice of reason and I should give my body a little more time to recover, but I am re-gaining all the weight I lost just with maintenance calories. I guess my body is angry at me and wants to store every calorie it gets now.…
  • Many others suggested that and I think that's a great idea. But I experienced those symptoms while I was already regularly taking supplements for electrolytes. Anyway, I feel much better now. Thank you.
  • OK, as many of you have suggested, I think this may not be low carb issue but too large of a deficit issue. After eating around my maintenance (2200) for about a week, I finally feel normal again. I felt strong during exercise last night and I feel great now. Now I need to figure out what is a reasonable deficit for me…
  • Will take vitamin D supplement, thank you.
  • No I'm not losing more hair than usual, but I think you're right. I'll see my doctor right away...
  • Thank you. I'll keep eating more calories for another week and if it still doesn't get better I'll go see my doctor.
  • Thank you for your input. At least I know now it's normal to feel fatigued. What I'm feeling though is a little more than fatigue. My body is in an emergency mode, I feel abnormal. As many people suggested I think I cut my calories too much to feel this bad. I went being super strong and energetic to not being able to hold…
  • tomatoey, I am exercising but with great difficulty. I can not exercise as much and even when I do I feel terrible during and after it. My muscles constantly scream. I used to feel so strong :( I think I'm supposed to eat at least 2000 calories/day, probably more, just for maintenance. I've been trying but I find it very…
  • Thank you for all the comments and advice. Here are my replies: -IsaackGMOON, no, there wasn't any medical reason for my low carb diet. -auntstephie321, no I haven't seen a doctor for this unusual weakness, but I will if it continues. -rabbitjb, ogmomma2012 and tomatoey, no, I haven't been watching my vitamins and…
  • I suspect that not eating enough calories together with low carb made me so weak. Need to figure out this TDEE thing.
  • That's exactly what happened. I cut all fruits and beans and sweet potatoes and I felt like crap :smile:
  • A friend who's a personal trainer also told me that meal timing doesn't have an effect on weight gain. I'm trying to convince myself that's true for me, because all my life I always gained weight if I ate close to bedtime, even if I eat green cabbage with minimal oil. I will determine my TDEE. I've been avoiding it because…
  • No I don't need to nap after yoga, I need to go to sleep for the night, because I wake up at 5:45 every morning and work for 12 hours and then go to an evening yoga class. By the end of evening I'm tired not because of yoga but because I've had a very long day. Actually when I eat right yoga gives me so much energy…
  • I understand your concern about heat related illness but I know that's not my problem. I don't even feel the heat during class, I've been doing this hot yoga for 7 years. And I rather give up my life before I give up my hot yoga. When I don't do it I can't climb stairs because of knee pain, my lower back hurts like hell,…
  • I thought the metabolism slows down during sleep, so the digestion also slows down. So if I eat and go to sleep right away, the food is not properly digested and half-digested food can turn into fat. Sometimes I can have soy yogurt 3 hours before class, but not later and nothing else.
  • I get sick on my stomach during hot yoga if I don't stop eating 4 hours before class.
  • Feeling weak since I started cutting calories so today I'm eating waaay over my calories trying to feel normal.
  • Well it will be all clear in time I think. I just need time to see how my body is responding. No need to freak out, as I did in the beginning. Several of you said I need to listen to my body. In a month or so I think I will have a clearer idea about what my body is telling me... THANK YOU all.... I'm really grateful for…
  • I had 1309 healthy high protein calories today, I did my hot yoga and am not feeling good after yoga again. Very weak during and after class. My yoga teacher, who is not a dietician but a personal trainer, told me with my activity level (which is just moderate at my job and 4-5 times yoga a week), I have to eat 2500…
  • I thought about making my own drink too, but then found this electrolyte tablets that dissolve in water and always take that after class. But after cutting calories it wasn't enough, so now I add a little protein snack 4 hours before class. It seems to be working... I will try your agave nectar drink recipe. Sounds great.…
  • THANK YOU so much all of you. Now I feel great. It all makes sense. Thank you!!!
  • Yes, I only started logging a few weeks ago and after the initial confusion now am realizing that it is really trial and error. Thank you.
  • Well, it's not like that every day, only 1-3 days a week. Normally I wake up 5:30, leave home at 6, get back by 10 or 11 pm, go to sleep by 10:30 or 11:30. Later nights are not ever day. But you're right, I have to be very diligent about going straight to sleep when I get home. No time for anything else. This Bikram yoga…
  • On early nights (going to sleep at 10:30 pm) I either eat an apple and an orange (about 150 calories together) or if I'm craving for protein, I eat 1 oz lowfat feta and 7 pearl tomatoes (about 50 calories.) On late nights (going to sleep at midnight), I ate all of this, adding up to 200 calories.
  • OK, this may not be a huge help but I'm a nanny and 2 things popped into my mind: Avocado shakes. They don't taste heavy, they taste very fresh, almost like cucumber. You can use canned coconut milk with dense cream on top and make sure you add sugar. Experiment with the ratio, but they taste very good. In all my years of…
  • I'm not a penut butter fan and can't imagine eat it every day and fitting it into my daily calorie goal. I rather eat more broccoli and tomatoes, both of which I can never get enough of. BUT, thank you for offering it, because as others also said I think I need to include some nuts for good fats in my diet. So I will…
  • That's what I should do, makes sense. What was confusing me was the numbers the MFP was giving me, not the numbers on the scale.
  • This is a very valuable advice and I thank you for that. Not that I didn't know I have to listen to my body, but I needed to hear it, because all this counting and reading and listening to others made me confused..
  • This made me think about and realize why I have been eating 1300 calories by the afternoon some days. Thank you. It's because of "having" to eat most of my calories by 2-2:30 pm on yoga days (and not wanting to eat much after 8 pm) and because I've been fluctuating and sometimes feeling too weak during exercise and fearing…