krw1183 Member


  • Hi! I'm a ftm with a 3 1/2 month old little boy. I'm all about encouraging and supporting each other as we work to get back into pre-baby shape!
  • I agree with being frustrated when people say "oh you'll be back to normal in no time if you breast feed". I still have 10-12 pounds to go and I only just started losing the weight. My LO is 3 1/2 months old and I exclusively BF. I don't enter that in as negative calories but just know that I'm burning between 400-600 a…
  • Hi there! I had my little boy on March 23rd and I am amazed at what it did to my body. I was very fit and active before pregnancy and now I'm rocking some thunder thighs and a mom pooch lol. I felt like I plateaued for a while and was stuck at 153 lbs (was 138 pre-pregnancy). I just couldn't lose anything. I am…
  • Needed to hear that today!
  • Thank you for the feedback. I've found that logging my food and activity has helped me see where eating more than I need to. It's difficult with a little baby though to find the time to actually eat healthy things. But fortunately my husband is great so I can get things prepared the night before. Usually, lol. It makes me…
  • I am working out again, just not as long. It's hard when you have a crying baby with you! I know I need to be patient, but it's difficult. I was in the best shape of my life (lifting heavy and a BMI of 17) before I got pregnant so it's hard not to be that way again. It's pure vanity on my part, I realize this.