emilygoose33 Member


  • Get down on your hands and knees, then extend one leg straight back (on the side you wanna work), then bring the leg still straight as far to the side as you can, then bring the leg back in, bending and tucking it into your chest before repeating the sequence. Sorry I'm not sure what this exercise is called!
  • How fit are you already? I used Josie Gibson's 21 Day Fat Burn last year and it was amazing! You end up dripping in sweat but the exercises aren't difficult at all, just fast paced :) As I'm currently at uni with no TV and no gym membership, I'm currently doing HIIT just in the form of sprinting/walking, using…
  • I sprint 5x a week and by week 5 my shin splints were almost excruciating. Then I had to have a week due to a head injury and the next time I ran it was like gliding on water hahaha, I had forgotten what it was like to not run with a constant nagging pain! So now I am going to have a week break every 3 or 4 weeks (I still…
  • Hi all, just wanted to say thanks to everyone for their posts. I guess I just freaked out by the number on the screen a little bit! But I went shopping yesterday and discovered I've dropped a dress size to become a 12 rather than a 12 on top and 14 on the bottom! Which means so much more to me than weight :)
  • Thank you, I must have really been in denial about how much weight I put on whilst at uni! Because I'm tall I don't look physically fat, but clearly all the cider and chips have been going somewhere!
  • I know it can't be muscle which is why I was wondering! I'm doing little to no strength training due to space and financial constraints haha It was a different scale, my parents' are digital and I've just purchased a mechanical one as I believe they are more accurate? The only other place I can get weighed is Boots or…