judi1063 Member


  • I recently had the same problem. I lost all control for 2 days. I know that I gained and am afraid to get on the scale. My clothes are tight and I feel terrible. Today I got back on track. I'm mad at myself for going backwards.
  • I have been gluten free for 6 years. I cook all of the time using fresh fruit, vegetables and free range meat. I cook in large quantities and freeze meals. Having the food ready is the key for me. Cooking everyday makes me not want to eat right.
  • I have the same problem with food. I am very active and don't make time to eat. I eat really healthy but too much of it late at night.
    in Hi! Comment by judi1063 May 2015
  • Hi Janet. Your story sounds like mine. I went to the Dr feeling really scrappy. It was a new Dr and she was brutal about my weight. I had the screw you attitude!! I'll show you I thought! I went to the mall and walked and then to buy healthy food. This was in December. I continued to walk since then. I have lost 27# I am…
    in hi, y'all! Comment by judi1063 May 2015