MeganTanise Member


  • Original Starting Weight: 213.6 lbs December Starting Weight: 180.5 lbs December Goal: 170 lbs Ultimate Goal: 130 lbs December 8th: 178.8 lbs December 15th: December 22nd: December 29th: Total Loss For December: I do Keto so my weight comes down fairly fast 😅
  • I'm always up for more friends and motivation! :)
  • Hey! My names Megan, I'm 21 and around 70lbs over weight.. Just over 2 weeks ago I started this app and it has really helped me to eat in moderation and stop over eating, I already exercise pretty much daily but my eating habits were pretty bad and I already lost 1.6 pounds so far, next way in is coming up soon! But if you…
  • Hey you can do this! Just stay focused and if you need any motivation we're all here to help
  • Hey I'm new here too with 64 Pounds or so to lose! Been working out almost everyday and starting to eat healthy and in moderation :) good for you for getting back on track! Good luck! :)