Thanks :) solid advice
That is amazing! Congrats!
@inked_Calimom82 thank you, I added you. I loved the pictures @Psychgrrl You're totally right and I appreciate the feedback and the links. I do have underlying issues I need to address.
:) thank you. truly.
Thank you, thats all really great advice. I saved it to read from time to time if I get discouraged. And yeah mostly the reason I want to do this is to be thin so that people will like me again and I know its silly and I know I need to stop that way of thinking. I think I'll make a journal or something to keep a list.…
Thank you that was really beautifully put. I really appreciate it. :)
Uh I'm nice I suppose? book smart. And I'm funny. Thats all I can think of really. I really think one of my biggest problems is self esteem and the fact that I don't see much in myself and I know that can be the biggest hindrance when it comes to finding motivation and just getting out there and committing to it.
I guess I just am someone who gives up. I've heard that before that as long as I commit then I should not fail. So I guess my main problem is I don't commit. Thanks for the input.
@Tezzi_B High stress job which I can't do much about as I need it. Other things I can change though are just the bitterness I've held on to for the past three years after getting divorced. Got left for a thinner younger girl so it was a huge slap to the face and I know I should be over it by now but I think its something…
I haven't tried running. I always am afraid people will laugh at me. I've never been good at it (or I just don't know the proper technique for it). I do like to bike though. I can completely relate to the abandonment thing. The reason my ex left me in the first place was because I gained weight and he bailed for some…
I do have a lot of self esteem issues that stem from the weight. I do attach self worth to how I look. I used to pride myself in how great I looked and then I let myself go so I was insanely disappointed in myself for that and I have yet to forgive myself for it. I have nothing against large people. I envy people who can…