Shin pain usually means shin splints, that can mean stress fractures. When I first started running I had intense shin pain because I was over pronating causing torsion in my knees and hips. I was in the exact same situation as you. I had to walk because it was so painful. You have to allow the fractures in your legs (if…
Initially I was eating around 2000 calories a day for about a month. Then I dropped to 1800. Once I was at 1800 and stopped seeing results. I switched to intermittent fasting where I would have a 4 hour eating window once a day and ate about 1600 calories this helped with my weight loss plateau. Once I dropped the last few…
It's never too late to start taking photos! They are the best way to show progress, the scale can be misleading!
I started at around 23% body fat approximately, and I ended up at around 10ish% but that's just my guess I could be wrong. In the latest picture I am closer to 10%
You can essentially eat anything you want as long as you are either maintaining or in a deficit. If you don't allow yourself to eat some "unhealthy" foods you will get too bad if cravings and over indulge eventually. I eat Taco Bell, McDonalds, Dairy Queen, etc..and maintained six pack abs and I am not one who has a really…
5 weeks is not enough time to lose 15 lbs healthily. There's no quick weight loss secret, however eating in a deficit and strength training and focusing on squats and deadlifts and other leg exercises will result in a bigger butt and flatter stomach. But you need more than 5 weeks IMO
Add me I'm constantly on here and need some more buddies, that's to everyone!
I would introduce more exercise, and look at your macros, some people can not lose weight with high carbohydrates. Additionally, I would increase your deficit as well and see if that works!
My gym routine was 4 days a week, I worked out as follows, Sunday : chest and triceps Monday: legs Wednesday: shoulders Friday : back and biceps My nutritional count was varied. First I ate on a 500 calorie deficit for about 8 weeks, then in order to get down to the last few percentages I switched to intermittent fasting 7…
Monitor everything you eat! Over estimate things you are uncertain about and be consistent, that will get you the results you want!