Gwyffendor Member


  • The above is vague, and partially incorrect. A more accurate and simple explanation is: Your body needs energy to function, which means maintaining a steady temperature, pumping around blood, providing energy to muscles and organs and of course keep your brain working. Some of this energy can be obtained directly from the…
  • Skip the drinks, or drink water instead. Don't underestimate your body's reaction to alcohol, carbs, etc. Check
  • Hmmm... I haven't seen Motörhead's "Ace of Spades" in the list, but I can recommend it for interval training.
  • I found that losing weight is not the challenge, but indeed keeping a healthy weight with a healthy lifestyle. A titanium discipline (iron is not strong enough and too flexible :D ) is what should help me, though in tough times, we all do silly things. What helps me the most to stay focused is to PLAN AHEAD: Knowing when…
  • The best thing for me is to do the weighing on Sunday morning. This makes the weekends extra challenging, sometimes even going out for some extra exercises, just to find out that I have lost (some) weight. Of course I have to stick to the diet ;)
  • I have lost a bit more, but I am not at my target weight yet. Yet there is hope. :) First of all, congratulations on losing the 10 kg. I tried it in the past, and it took me nearly a year to achieve. I decided to try a more rigorous method this year, with intermittent fasting. It helped me get rid of 60 percent of the…