Weight loss plan ☺️

Charlotte596_ Posts: 16 Member
edited June 2015 in Health and Weight Loss
I just want my plan verified if someone can help..

I'm 155lb, and 5ft 8 26 yo and using the MFP route. Set my cal goal to 1lb a week loss and ex. 3-4times per week + just about to start some PT sessions at my gym

. I plan to eat 50% of my ex calories back as logged my mfp. I want to 'bank' these for 1 day a week, say a Saturday/Sunday when I normally like a few drinks with my friends/meal with my fiancé/sweets at the cinema etc and those extra cals would be welcomed :)

The rest of the 6 days of the week I will stay at my mfp cal allotment which is about 1370 cals a day and use about a 40/30/40 cut if P/F/C.

Does this sound like a good plan, as I want to make sure I'm getting this right as I have my only wedding dress fitting in 4 weeks and my honeymoon in 10 weeks so would like to trim a few inches/pounds before then.

Charlotte xxx


  • barbecuesauce
    barbecuesauce Posts: 1,771 Member
    Aside from the fact that 40/30/40 adds up to 110, sounds doable. Good luck!
  • Gwyffendor
    Gwyffendor Posts: 6 Member
    Skip the drinks, or drink water instead. Don't underestimate your body's reaction to alcohol, carbs, etc.

    Check womenshealthmag.com/weight-loss/alcohol-and-weight-loss
  • Charlotte596_
    Charlotte596_ Posts: 16 Member
    edited June 2015
    Sorry meant to say 40/30/30 lol
  • Charlotte596_
    Charlotte596_ Posts: 16 Member
    shell1005 wrote: »
    Drinking alcohol as long as it is in moderation is fine.

    My only concern about banking all you exercise calories is that you may end up being fatigued during the week not fueling your workouts.

    How much do you have MFP set to lose per week?

    1lb loss per week x
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    I just want my plan verified if someone can help..

    I'm 155lb, and 5ft 8 26 yo and using the MFP route. Set my cal goal to 1lb a week loss and ex. 3-4times per week + just about to start some PT sessions at my gym

    . I plan to eat 50% of my ex calories back as logged my mfp. I want to 'bank' these for 1 day a week, say a Saturday/Sunday when I normally like a few drinks with my friends/meal with my fiancé/sweets at the cinema etc and those extra cals would be welcomed :)

    The rest of the 6 days of the week I will stay at my mfp cal allotment which is about 1370 cals a day and use about a 40/30/40 cut if P/F/C.

    Does this sound like a good plan, as I want to make sure I'm getting this right as I have my only wedding dress fitting in 4 weeks and my honeymoon in 10 weeks so would like to trim a few inches/pounds before then.

    Charlotte xxx

    Exercise calories logged using the MFP database should be cut in half to begin with because the entries on there are overestimated

    You're a good weight for your height and a few weeks before your wedding isn't a great time to be making major changes ...are you sure about this?

    I would strongly advise starting a progressive weights programme ..you can see great results in a couple of months
  • Charlotte596_
    Charlotte596_ Posts: 16 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    I just want my plan verified if someone can help..

    I'm 155lb, and 5ft 8 26 yo and using the MFP route. Set my cal goal to 1lb a week loss and ex. 3-4times per week + just about to start some PT sessions at my gym

    . I plan to eat 50% of my ex calories back as logged my mfp. I want to 'bank' these for 1 day a week, say a Saturday/Sunday when I normally like a few drinks with my friends/meal with my fiancé/sweets at the cinema etc and those extra cals would be welcomed :)

    The rest of the 6 days of the week I will stay at my mfp cal allotment which is about 1370 cals a day and use about a 40/30/40 cut if P/F/C.

    Does this sound like a good plan, as I want to make sure I'm getting this right as I have my only wedding dress fitting in 4 weeks and my honeymoon in 10 weeks so would like to trim a few inches/pounds before then.

    Charlotte xxx

    Exercise calories logged using the MFP database should be cut in half to begin with because the entries on there are overestimated

    You're a good weight for your height and a few weeks before your wedding isn't a great time to be making major changes ...are you sure about this?

    I would strongly advise starting a progressive weights programme ..you can see great results in a couple of months

    Nope I'm never sure about my calorie intake haha as I love food and want to eat the world but I'm also needing to sort my naked body out as well as my clothed body ready for honeymoon. I did slimming world for the last year and feel that was a utter waste of time as I lost half a stone which is fair enough but my body shape is still the same and still got a high body fat :(

    I'm due to have my first meeting with a PT on Monday morning who is going to show me the ropes with weights as I'm a complete novice! Hope it's the turning point for me! Xxx

  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    Gwyffendor wrote: »
    Skip the drinks, or drink water instead. Don't underestimate your body's reaction to alcohol, carbs, etc.

    Check womenshealthmag.com/weight-loss/alcohol-and-weight-loss

    Just no
  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    Gwyffendor wrote: »
    Skip the drinks, or drink water instead. Don't underestimate your body's reaction to alcohol, carbs, etc.

    Check womenshealthmag.com/weight-loss/alcohol-and-weight-loss

    Hhnnnnnnggg this is why we can't have nice things
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    I just want my plan verified if someone can help..

    I'm 155lb, and 5ft 8 26 yo and using the MFP route. Set my cal goal to 1lb a week loss and ex. 3-4times per week + just about to start some PT sessions at my gym

    . I plan to eat 50% of my ex calories back as logged my mfp. I want to 'bank' these for 1 day a week, say a Saturday/Sunday when I normally like a few drinks with my friends/meal with my fiancé/sweets at the cinema etc and those extra cals would be welcomed :)

    The rest of the 6 days of the week I will stay at my mfp cal allotment which is about 1370 cals a day and use about a 40/30/40 cut if P/F/C.

    Does this sound like a good plan, as I want to make sure I'm getting this right as I have my only wedding dress fitting in 4 weeks and my honeymoon in 10 weeks so would like to trim a few inches/pounds before then.

    Charlotte xxx

    Exercise calories logged using the MFP database should be cut in half to begin with because the entries on there are overestimated

    You're a good weight for your height and a few weeks before your wedding isn't a great time to be making major changes ...are you sure about this?

    I would strongly advise starting a progressive weights programme ..you can see great results in a couple of months


    Also, if you're looking to bank your exercise calories for the weekend, basically you're looking at Whatever MFP estimates, cut in half, and then cut that in half for your banked calories. Otherwise you'll be eating alot of extra calories because of MFP's overestimation.

    So if MFP says you burned 1000 calories doing the elliptical for an hour (ha, yeah right), cut that to 500 calories and then cut it again to 250 and that's what you eat back and the other 250 would be your banked calories.

    I think you'd benefit more by adding in weights though.
  • Charlotte596_
    Charlotte596_ Posts: 16 Member
    Ninkyou wrote: »
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    I just want my plan verified if someone can help..

    I'm 155lb, and 5ft 8 26 yo and using the MFP route. Set my cal goal to 1lb a week loss and ex. 3-4times per week + just about to start some PT sessions at my gym

    . I plan to eat 50% of my ex calories back as logged my mfp. I want to 'bank' these for 1 day a week, say a Saturday/Sunday when I normally like a few drinks with my friends/meal with my fiancé/sweets at the cinema etc and those extra cals would be welcomed :)

    The rest of the 6 days of the week I will stay at my mfp cal allotment which is about 1370 cals a day and use about a 40/30/40 cut if P/F/C.

    Does this sound like a good plan, as I want to make sure I'm getting this right as I have my only wedding dress fitting in 4 weeks and my honeymoon in 10 weeks so would like to trim a few inches/pounds before then.

    Charlotte xxx

    Exercise calories logged using the MFP database should be cut in half to begin with because the entries on there are overestimated

    You're a good weight for your height and a few weeks before your wedding isn't a great time to be making major changes ...are you sure about this?

    I would strongly advise starting a progressive weights programme ..you can see great results in a couple of months


    Also, if you're looking to bank your exercise calories for the weekend, basically you're looking at Whatever MFP estimates, cut in half, and then cut that in half for your banked calories. Otherwise you'll be eating alot of extra calories because of MFP's overestimation.

    So if MFP says you burned 1000 calories doing the elliptical for an hour (ha, yeah right), cut that to 500 calories and then cut it again to 250 and that's what you eat back and the other 250 would be your banked calories.

    I think you'd benefit more by adding in weights though.

    Yeah basically the way I want to see it is being under my calories obviously with 50% of my exercise cals left over for overestimations :) just want to know if it would work this way as I'm normally a hungry bear hahaha. Weights is going to be on the agenda from Monday of course.

  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    Gwyffendor wrote: »
    Skip the drinks, or drink water instead. Don't underestimate your body's reaction to alcohol, carbs, etc.

    Check womenshealthmag.com/weight-loss/alcohol-and-weight-loss

    No. Drinking is fine for weight loss if you can make it fit. I have been doing CICO for 4 months now and I fit in drinking alcohol at least twice a week. You are fine drinking, just account for everything.