Name: Aria Age: 30 Height: 163 cm Start Weight (1st June): 92,9 kg Goal Weight (1st July): 87,9 kg Actual Weight (29th June): 91,1 kg 1st June: 92.9 kg 8th June: 91.5 kg 15th June: 91.5 kg 22nd June: 90.6 kg 29th June: 91.1 Weight gained this week: 0.5 kg Weight lost this month: 1.8 kg Successes/struggles this week: I…
Me too please!
Great story! Thanks for sharing! I totally understand what you mean by seeing the forest for the trees. A lot of moments where I had to facepalm myself ;)
I think I would compare my reward system to the icing on the cake. Sure chocolate cake tastes fine but coated with dark chocolate icing and filled with a layer of apricot jam I am in heaven!
So funny. I don't care a bit about my body fat percentage but I googled hours to try to find out what shape I am. I needed to know what people looked like with my height and a certain weight so I could figure out how much I wanted to lose. Because people do carry weight different! I wanted at least some number to go on…
I love your story! It helps so much to read stories like these! You are awesome!
Wow Just wow! I got teary! Really well written. Awesome story!
Name: Aria Age: 30 Height: 163 cm Start Weight (1st June): 92,9 kg Goal Weight (1st July): 87,9 kg 1st June: 92.9 kg 8th June: 91.5 kg 15th June: 91.5 kg 22nd June: 90.6 kg 29th June: 1st July: Weight lost/gained this week: 0.9 kg Weight lost/gained this month: 2.3 kg Successes/struggles this week: It is going down YAY.…
Great job! Just AMAZING! Thanks for sharing and motivating us!
It doesn't matter what I think. Take your diary to a doctor and ask if you should change some things or if your course of action is ok. Speak to a doctor you trust, just to be safe. It can't hurt.
Do you log everything you eat? If you really log correctly please see a doctor and show them your diary. You need help! I know being skinny would be great but if you keep up this way you just get more and more problems. Go see someone right away!!
Name: Aria Age: 30 Height: 163 cm Start Weight (1st June): 92,9 kg Goal Weight (1st July): 87,9 kg 1st June: 92.9 kg 8th June: 91.5 kg 15th June: 91.5 kg 22nd June: 29th June: 1st July: Weight lost/gained this week: 0 kg Weight lost/gained this month: 1.4 kg Successes/struggles this week: Started gym, hit my calories, did…
What was said above but since I'm also a newbie I suggest reading, reading and some more reading in the forum to get an impression what could work for you ;)
Ahahaha, I love it. When something "feels" different/wrong I turn into a nutcase. Good job solving the problem ;) And of course 21 lbs is awesome!
Awesome hair! I love it!
Name: Aria Age: 30 Height: 163 cm Start Weight (1st June): 92,9 kg Goal Weight (1st July): 87,9 kg 1st June: 92.9 kg 8th June: 91.5 kg 15th June: 22nd June: 29th June: 1st July: Weight lost/gained this week: 1.4 kg Weight lost/gained this month: 1.4 kg Successes/struggles this week: I hate every single workout but I do…
You look great! Don't let your demons win ;)
what car is he driving?
nice butt
I also have to lose 90 lbs, I started 20th april. I'm down 9 lbs can't see a difference right now except on the scale but I feel much more motivated than ever and some clothes fit a little better. I only think about the next pound not the whole mountain ;)
I guess I'm in. Just finished the first workout. Can someone shoot me? OMG I'm missing more than 5 seconds lol. btw I did join here
Name: Aria Age: 30 Height: 163 cm Start Weight (1st June): 92,9 kg Goal Weight (1st July): 87,9 kg 1st June: 92.9 8th June: 15th June: 22nd June: 29th June: 1st July: Weight lost/gained this week: Weight lost/gained this month: Successes/struggles this week: