MaconMagnolia1852 Member


  • No, I am specifically referring to those who are against LCHF lifestyle. And thanks, pedidiva. he really does do a great job of explaining.
  • Thank you so much!! And thank you for the positivity, too! I came to these boards because I thought it would be a safe place with no negativity (I get enough of that from the people I am surrounded by daily). Thank you for being so kind and helpful!
  • Thank you! This has been super helpful! I am checking all of these out.
  • Thanks. I'm almost 5'10, so I'm not really short. MFP recommended the following (obviously the macro ratio is off until I set my percentages). There is honestly no way I could eat that many calories though, because I feel so full with this lifestyle. I am sometimes a BIT over 1200, but I don't think I could eat 1910 every…
  • I don't have diabetes yet, but I'm at risk. I'm close to the abnormal range when tested, and have a huge family history. My father passed of diabetes, and my mom and half-sisters are the only people in my family who seem to not have it. My mom's and dad's families all have it, and so my doctor is trying to help me prevent…
  • It was a poor choice of words on her part. She was just trying to be sensitive and help explain it to me in a way I could understand. I think what she meant was that my sugar-starch metabolism was not efficient for me. It wasn't helping me to burn fat.
  • I think she was just trying to explain it in a way that I could understand and accept. I was very emotional...and I'm studying to be a dentist, not an MD, so, while I have some understanding of these things, I'm still pretty confused about much of it. So she was just trying to help me. We can maybe agree that her wording…
  • Thanks everyone. If anyone wants to add me, that would be great. I have not gotten any support for the most part from people I know IRL. My friends say this diet is stupid, dangerous, etc, because they don't understand. They say there is no way I can lose weight eating bacon, eggs, cheese. And they think not eating carbs…