Same but a slight difference for me... - Drink at least 3 of my large gym water bottle - Exercise for 30 minutes & do strength (legs) - Stay within calorie and carb goals - OH! And go shopping & prep my next 3 days of meals on 20 bucks
23 for me.... :s
Just to keep accountability, I last weighed 222...but I need to lose 22 by December or as close to that as I can get.
Add me! I am presently fighting to avoid getting on preventative meds to avoid diabetes. I had my 3 Month check up this past week and they basically told me to shape up in losing fat and weight, or else I need to see a doctor to go on meds. Im only 29 for crying out loud! I'm actually trying to totally change my eating…
I have a similar challenge I need to meet. I gained at least half of that by gaining 10 pounds myself based on my 3 Month check up. They told me a few days back that I need to change something to lose weight and get my percentage in ACI(?) and fat down, otherwise they want me to get on preventative meds. Let's be friends!
Thank you for the posts so far!!! I'm gonna look for those and get myself prepped! I was overwhelmed pretty bad, but I gotta get my head focused on just creating that list with these and checking my discount options like you said Sira125!
I need help guys. I ended put myself to be so busy that hubby and I only have 20 dollars to spend at grocery for me to eat 6 small meals a day for 4 days! And I'm frustrated because I messed up on calorie consumption today. I need ideas to get myself prepped or ideas to shop smart with 20 for tomorrow so I don't do this…
Send me a friend request! I don't know how from my end...
I'm right there with you. I was suppose to lose 5 lbs in 1 month...I lost 2.5 the first week and haven't moved since. Especially considering my constant bad habit of allowing myself to pass my calorie diet at least 3 to 4 days out of each week. Do I really want this? Any tips to overcome this?
Thanks for the tips!
Awesome work! I'm currently at the beginning of losing 55 lbs myself, and have lost 2 lbs already in two weeks. Your post of progress encourages me. Any tips???