East1726 Member


  • I'm 5'4 and have over 100lbs to lose. Feel free to add me as a friend! And good luck with your new beginning :)
  • See, part of my "excuse/problem" is that my mornings are not that crazy at all. I have a 5 year old who I walk to school every morning (literally 100 steps away) and an 11 month old who is easy peasy to take care of. I'm ABLE to cook breakfast but I literally don't know how to eat healthy. It's horrible to admit that, it…
  • This is very helpful! Thank you! I already drink a lot of water but I'm going to try to increase that each day/week. I'm a huge snacker and most times don't eat an actual meal. This will be my biggest hurdle by far. I've already filled out my log for tomorrow and will do my absolute best to eat everything I've logged for…
  • Awesome, thank you! Friending you if that's okay :)
  • I've always liked greek yogurt. The quick oats are new for me but I'll give them a try. If I don't like them, I'll have a slice of whole wheat toast or something. This needs to work for me. I cannot lose myself after two weeks like I always do. I'm not going to make myself eat something just because it's healthy. I need to…
  • Yep, I've seen those but I'm trying sooooo hard to stay away from pre made meals, frozen meals, etc. I bought some quick oats and greek yogurt today so I think I'll start with that and see where the rest of the day takes me :)
  • You are all so amazing for taking the time to offer me some tips. I've read all the stickies :) At the moment, I'm racking my brain about what to eat for breakfast tomorrow morning. I don't want to screw this up with my very first healthy meal. Lol
  • Sending you a message :)
  • Thank you so much! Those tips are very helpful. As I was reading through some of the posts I did notice that it's important to have a food scale. Guess what I'll be buying tomorrow? lol Thanks again :)