Ok that helps. Thank you :)
Thank you Michaeltaylor047. I have to remember that it's 70% diet. I'm just not too sure about what is a bad carb or good carb.
Good luck grachel2015.
Aww thank you! What a great compliment! :)
Thank you :)
Good job! :)
Thank you wcope0412 :) As soon as possible lol
Thank you jsnyder320 and celson98 :)
Thank you everyone. I will take all of the tips that I can get. :)
Thank you Jacklfc88. I love spinning :)
Thank you jthomas62!
Thank you so much!! My coworker and I are starting tomorrow. We are getting up at 6am to workout. And I prepped all of my food today for the next 3 days. Any tips or advice?
Thank you!