Monday upper body Tuesday legs Wednesday off Thursday combo exercise (power clean, Jerks..) Friday combination I came up with it on my own and had success, most people will complain about it though..
I'm sorry that I'm not perfect and need a little help. Oops. Annoying! Please go away if you don't have a replacement suggestion for sweet potato.
You know what I don't recall asking for? Rude comments. If you don't have a suggestion for a replacement for sweet potatoes then go away! I didn't ask for advice on my meal plan, just a replacement option! This is what fits my budget so please go away.
I've been searching for the perfect cutting meal plan that fits my needs for weeks. This is perfect for me, minus the sweet potato.
Not doing that workout plan. Just the meal plan.
No... In total.
I'll try this for 4 weeks and if I see the results I'm looking for then I'll be continuing on with it. I want to be down 30 pounds.
Yes! It's going to be tough but I am serious about cutting. Thanks for the advice!
- Starting this plan today, guys.
I'm very excited for it.
Thanks so much!