I'll add you!
No, you're not a bad person- you just said you don't have anyone to tell so you're seeking advice. You never said he's ugly, just that he's out of shape. It's a given that looks aren't the only important factor in a relationship, but they do count for something. It means something when your spouse tries to look good for…
Hahaha... Got a few folks like that around my neighborhood... They use the icicle lights, too.
I've lost 52lbs and have around 80 more to go. I like actively supporting those on my list. I'll add you!
I'm not in the exact situation but even through my progress I still have this urge to snack late at night. One thing that really helps me is having a cup of tea or something with no calories while I read or do whatever late at night. Committing myself to the gym as well on all week days, and getting into the habit of going…
Anyone who's seriously interested in encouragement can add me. I like back and comment frequently but most of the people I have added now never like or comment and it sucks!
I knew overtime, really, but the first big push was when the massive stretch marks I had accumulated over a couple years of continual gain finally began to heal... The bigger one, though, was when my husband and I went with some friends to a huge neighborhood event that so many ppl go to, parking is backed up for at least…
Add me if you want an easy-going and motivational buddy! Be sure to send a message of some sort or I won't accept it!
7. Intense!
Chicken nuggets
(Tialuna18) I think it would be #15! Love that outfit :)
I needed to read this. Ty for posting and I will say "ditto" from you to our OP.
Sushiii Sandals or shoes?
Boots? And teddy bears.
Ughhghghg In-laws. Salmon or tilapia?
She was a witch and kept turning my friends into newts!
What has helped me is realizing it is a way to release. It's a stress reliever. I love reading and gaming, but I'm turning my exercise into my "me time". Think of it as your meditation, where you can be you, whilst improving yourself at the same time. Start slow. The goal is so you don't think of it as a chore. :)
Chill, encouraging folks who aren't snotty. :) Feel free to add me i'll show you love!
Don't judge me, beardy!
She cheated on me with a fountain! Look at her! Posing with it and everything!
I can't see them but that's a sexy construction sign, 10/10
Flight! Satin or Cotton?
Draw, you're asking the biggest nerd... Leaning towards fantasy... Jacuzzi or massage?
Neither. :) Dog or cat?
Depends on what for, better dress up. Long or short hair?
Draw. Chess or Poker?