DEBOO7 Member


  • The scale is not the only gauge that change is happening. Do you take measurements? Bust, waist, hips... any changes there? Sounds like you're doing low-carb. At 5'4" and moderately active (3-5 times a week moderate cardio and muscle training) you should be consuming at least 1350 calories. I'm 5'2" swim 2-3x a week and do…
  • raspberries
  • When the body burns fats over glycogen it's called ketosis. It can take anywhere from 3-4 days to several weeks to reach this stage. To maintain a state of ketosis it is recommended that carbs be kept to under 20g net. That's carb g less fibre g. I strongly suggest you look at either joining some of the keto groups on mfp…
  • I get lazy about dinner and tend to eat the same thing for weeks on end. It's been 100g vitality slaw (cabbage, celery, red onion, coriander) with 100g smoked chicken, 30g feta, 100g cucumber and 20g dressing recently. Works ok as the weather is warm in NZ right now. Slight change this week as my son's garden has an…
    in Diet Comment by DEBOO7 January 2018
  • Spent most of December up and down like a yo-yo! Next to no tracking due to 3 birthdays in the 2 weeks before xmas, then xmas, then being exhausted from the whole thing. Normally sit around 52.5-53kg.. was at 54.4kg on the 28th! A bit of focus and I'm back down to 53.4kg this morning.
  • What have I learnt on my nearly 4 year weight-loss, nutrition and fitness journey? Self education is essential - make informed decisions You have to find what works for you - what fits with your lifestyle - what is sustainable. Yes, sustainable. if you can't sustain the changes then it's likely failure is a certainty. Stop…
  • mascarpone.... totally necessary with carrot & walnut cake that I made!
  • Just sent a request :-)
  • I had a significant abdominal separation which was repaired in Jun-17 - it was major surgery. I found that although I'd lost 100+lbs of weight I just didn't have much ab strength no matter what I did to exercise. Over 3 years I did yoga, swimming, walking and the gym but just couldn't improve. Six months on and well on the…
  • Forgot to mention.... I've been keto for 3.5 years and lost 100lbs+ It is a lifestyle change, not a quick fix.
  • Not sure where to start.... but if you've already tried every diet in the book have you determined why they have failed? Losing weight is a simple equation of eating at a deficit of calories e.g. eat less than you consume. Keto is not a magic pill... rather the change in eating changes the way the body is fueled - from…
  • Add butter and cheese to meals or coffee with a few teaspoons of cream.
  • I've been keto for over 3 years. Don't do body building but now I'm at close to goal weight have (for the first time in my life) joined the gym doing strength training. Also taken up CrossFit. And I swim 3x a week. So pretty active. In two months I've gone from 22.1% BF to 20.8% and maintained my weight (115lbs). I…
  • manicure... who needs food :D
  • 21% body fat by Christmas. This time last year I was 58.2kg and it was 32%. I'm now 52.5kg and 21.5%, it's been a year of focus.
  • In my scrambled eggs, in cauliflower mash, with jelly.... I probably consume about 1kg a week!
  • Concur with many posted comments.... in the beginning just cutting out processed foods, booze, takeaways, sodas, ice cream etc works - and amazingly so! I lost 60lbs in 7 months doing that alone. However there comes a time when you're leaner and leaner bodies require more hands-on management. In a sense every calorie…
  • Calories: 1098 Carb: 22g (8%), Fat: 70g (57%), Protein: 95g (35%) Stats: W=114lbs, H=5'2", Age=56 Goal 1) Reduce body fat from 22.1% to 21% Goal 2) Build lean muscle Goal 3) 110lbs (if possible, I'm small boned so it's a good goal weight for me) Personal rule.... I ignore exercise calories which means I don't worry if I go…
  • People who, now I've lost weight (44kg), tell me I need to be careful because I could be anorexic. WTF! I'm 'normal' weight for my age, height, body frame etc... Same people never called me fat or said I may die from a heart attack.. &^%%^*%^&&^^%*^&%^*%&567 people.
  • My sleep is dismal... this is a representation of what it's like.. week after week after week.
  • The word 'cheat' is negative and negativity gets you nowhere! Change the word to 'treat'. 3.5 years ago I did a 360 on my eating habits and how I think about food. I incorporate a 'treat' each week - something I really enjoy. Sometimes it's food, sometimes it's clothes, the movies, an extra glass of wine. I know I've…
  • 5'2", 114lbs, jeans/pants size 6 (NZ) which is a size 2 in the US. Tops are usually XS or from the children section, lol
  • In 3+ years I have only had to ban one thing...... but I'd probably be ok now as I have new habits. Peanut butter (or any nut butter for that matter). One teaspoon leads to two... three... four... half a jar!
  • Here's the thing... accountability for your eating lifestyle and weight stops and ends with you! My view is that it's easy to fail with programs like WW and others like SlimFast or Herbalife.... the reason is that you can say.. their program failed or their products or you didn't get the right support. I know this.. I've…
  • I've got a Fitbit one as I can't stand wearing anything on by wrist. Keep it clipped on my bra at the side. Not sure how I ever managed without it :-)
  • Keto for over 3 years... have gone from 215lbs at my heaviest to 112lbs. My net carb count is generally around 20-23g a day and comes from above ground veggies (cauliflower, broccoli, spinach, salad greens etc) and berry fruits.
  • I want this to match my other butterflies and hide my recent tummy tuck scar. Have to wait another 9-15 months though.
  • Take 450-600mg magnesium malate a day - it cured my desire for chocolate. Also helps with sleep, relaxes nerve endings, kills cramp...