iluvtoti1 Member


  • You should post your progress pics- be proud for every step make!!
  • CESCAK1989-This really seems to be a very helpful community, so Im sure you'll find a ton of great info here....dont worry, you'll do just awesome-A++ for sure- as long as you are ready to do it & really want it!!
  • Oh, & Im 5'5" also...& please dont mind all the clothes in the background-I was sorting for Goodwill during my progress pics!![/img]
  • I just signed up as well, afew min. ago...Im also looking for some motivation! Id like to lose 5-10 more lbs, but also looking for options for people who have loose skin after weight loss. There was no option for showing current weight loss when I signed up, but I started at 211lbs about 1 1/2years ago, & Im currently…