hi everyone

Hi I am new to this but want to have lots of motivation so I have fingers crossed this app will help!


  • junkoki
    junkoki Posts: 8 Member
    Added! I'm Junkie. Best of luck on your fitness journey!
  • iluvtoti1
    iluvtoti1 Posts: 4 Member
    I just signed up as well, afew min. ago...Im also looking for some motivation! Id like to lose 5-10 more lbs, but also looking for options for people who have loose skin after weight loss. There was no option for showing current weight loss when I signed up, but I started at 211lbs about 1 1/2years ago, & Im currently 141...I know I took a long time to lose the weight, but I really wanted to do it slowly so I wont put it back on again. Ive struggled with my weight my entire life, & am sooo tired of gaining-losing-gaining-losing...Im abit older than most people here (36) & with all if the fluctuation over the years, I have loose skin on my stomach & thighs now, even with all of the heavy weight training & running I do, almost everyday (20-30min training, 6miles/day running). If you're younger than me: Find an acceptable weight that you're comfortable keeping, & stick with it, as your goal!! As you get older, your skin doesn't always bounce back as nicely as it used to, & Id hate for you to go thru the same problems Im going through now.
  • iluvtoti1
    iluvtoti1 Posts: 4 Member
    Oh, & Im 5'5" also...& please dont mind all the clothes in the background-I was sorting for Goodwill during my progress pics!!

  • iluvtoti1
    iluvtoti1 Posts: 4 Member
    CESCAK1989-This really seems to be a very helpful community, so Im sure you'll find a ton of great info here....dont worry, you'll do just awesome-A++ for sure- as long as you are ready to do it & really want it!!
  • iluvtoti1
    iluvtoti1 Posts: 4 Member
    You should post your progress pics- be proud for every step make!!