lynseys1990 Member


  • Aww thanks everyone! I have decided to put everything iv eaten today in my diary and sod it if its over... As someone said above at least its getting me back into the habit! I find this community section SUCH a massive help! How have you guys all done so far??xx
  • You look amazing jill! Keep on going no matter how frustrated you are, comparing before and after photos is a good idea!
  • Snap!! I'm gona add all of ya as friends... New to this and only have one friend :'( lol. How are u all doing with this?? I had my first weigh today and lost 7lbs... Chuffed to bits :)
  • 7.5lbs is fantastic! Thats the weight of a good sized newborn you have lost, go you! I was the same got MFP years ago and never used it but im trying to hard to be good, sick of being flabby again instead of fabby lol! Whats your main reasons for wanting to lose weight?
  • Go you Katie! This is the first step you've taken by even getting this app! You WILL be going back to school looking fab