mlapointe88 Member


  • I found that these drinks did not help me. However you can make yourself a green smoothie at night and leave it for yourself the next day? I found that helped and I actually looked forward to waking up to drink one. There's so many ways to make green smoothies too, you'll never get bored!
  • It's Friday night and I want nothing more than a few rolls of sushi.. to do it or not to do it. If I'm smart, I won't.. :(
  • Hi Jen! Congrats on such a huge accomplishment! I agree, I think it's nice to make new friends and have someone else checking and seeing how you're doing with your progress! How long did it take you to lose that weight and what did you do?
  • I find that oatmeal never helped me - greek yogurt and granola sometimes does. Really, all I crave in the morning is a fatty bagel.. unfortunately.. But I second what people said about tea/coffee. Coffee tends to turn my stomach if I go overboard but if I have a hot glass of tea (or two), I find it definitely keeps the…
  • Hi Dangergirlnga. Thanks for the reply! I feel your pain. My friends like to kick back and have a good time on the weekends so there's no way they're physically exerting themselves. I like to have a good time too, but I like to work for it! Besides, sometimes it's good not to have an alcoholic drink and have a refreshing…