agduffy4 Member


  • An update: Female - age 27 Height 5' 7" Starting weight - 180 lbs - February 8, 2018 Previous Lowest weight in this group - 161.6 lbs - August 15, 2018 Lowest weight yet - 157.2 lbs Current weight - 158.8 lbs Goal weight - 145-150 lbs - January 1, 2019 I fell off the wagon a bit this month and desperately need to get back…
  • New lowest weight!...159.8 lbs - August 17,2018 I am back up to 160.5 lbs today, but getting below 160 as the lower part of my weight fluctuation made me feel pretty great! It’s the lightest I have weighed in almost two years.
  • The daily fluctuations don’t get to me, so I like to know my range. I will occasionally weight myself 2x/day (morning and evening) so that I understand what my daily fluctuation looks like. I use my morning weight to log into MyFitnessPal and track my progress. The monthly weight fluctuations from hormones and water…
  • Hello! Female - age 27 Height 5' 7" Starting weight - 180 lbs - February 8, 2018 Lowest weight - 161.6 lbs - August 15, 2018 Goal weight - 145-150 lbs - January 1, 2019
  • Another HaloTop lover. My dessert "treat" is a serving or two of HaloTop (80-120 calories) and a dark chocolate Kodiak cake pancake or waffle (150-200 calories). Kodiak cake is a high-protein pancake/waffle can get it on Amazon if you don't have it in your grocery store!). It's basically a brownie + ice cream…
  • Happy Anniversary!
  • August 15 - 161.6 lbs ... -1.8 lbs since my last post :) I have been doing super at logging foods into MyFitnessPal...and have been mostly staying under my caloric goals ;). I have also eaten breakfast (even if it's light and on the go) daily. Does anyone else actually get hungry earlier if they eat breakfast? As for my…
  • Hi, Meg! How is your weight loss journey going? I hope wedding planning isn't too stressful right now! Remember to enjoy the journey :) I figured I would post and offer my support and see if you wanted to support/motivate each other. I recently got engaged (June 30) and will be getting married January 5th. It's a short…
  • Late to the game, but figured I would offer my support! I am getting married the first week of January and would like to lose 10-15 more lbs before then. I just got engaged at the end of June so I feel like it is coming up quick! I was already starting a weight loss journey before my engagement. Since April I have lost ~15…
  • I say indulge away, you're doing awesome and you deserve it! Hope you had a good time.
  • I haven't check in for a while...but I haven't completely fallen off the wagon! My update is below. Weight: August 8 - 163.4 lbs...-3.8 lbs since my last post three weeks ago! Reflections on July goals: - 100 push-ups daily, 100 sit-ups daily...sometimes 100 jumping jacks ;). Doing the repetitive 100 push-ups daily really…
  • He is doing the 100 push-ups daily with me! However, he isn't really trying to lose weight so is not as focused on a healthy diet. I always struggle to maintain my eating habits since he likes to snack, eat fast-food, and not gain any weight, haha! He was gone doing field work in the tropics for 2 months so came back 22…
  • Day/Weight/Comment 7/17 - 167.8 lbs - Need to get back on track! 7/18 - 167.2 lbs - Impressed at the slight decrease in the scale even though I have not been very healthy for the past week or so...but today is a new day and this is a new challenge! I hope to be down 2 lbs by the end of July with the ultimate goal being 155…
  • I also gained a considerable amount of weight when writing my thesis! I used to comfortably fluctuate in the 150s and now I find myself stuck in the 165-175 range. After defending I was the heaviest I have been at about 182. I moved on to a PhD so I didn't exactly alleviate this stress and have been struggling to get back…
  • Late to the game, but hopefully I can still lose a few pounds in July! Original starting weight: 182 lbs July starting weight: 165.6 lbs July goal: 165 lbs (I know it sounds weird...but I gained some weight back very quickly in July) Ultimate goal: 150 lbs July 1: 165.6 July 2: 167.4 July 3: 166.4 July 4: 166.8 July 5:…
  • Day/Weight/Comment 7/17 - 167.8 lbs - Need to get back on track! 7/18 - 167.2 lbs - Impressed at the slight decrease in the scale even though I have not been very healthy for the past week or so...but today is a new day and this is a new challenge! I hope to be down 2 lbs by the end of July with the ultimate goal being 155…
  • R42 SW 173.6 lbs Day/Weight/Comment 5/28 --173.6 lbs 5/29 -- 173.6 lbs 5/30 -- 172.6 lbs 5/31 – 172.8 lbs 6/01 – 173 lbs 6/02 – 172.4 lbs 6/03 – 172 lbs 6/04 – 170.4 lbs 6/05 – 170 lbs 6/06 – 169.6 lbs – WOOOOO under 170!
  • R42 SW 173.6 lbs Day/Weight/Comment 5/28 --173.6 lbs 5/29 -- 173.6 lbs 5/30 -- 172.6 lbs 5/31 – 172.8 lbs 6/01 – 173 lbs 6/02 – 172.4 lbs 6/03 – 172 lbs 6/04 – 170.4 lbs – Almost under 170 lbs! My goal is to get to 165 lbs and then take a break from being in a caloric deficit and do a “maintenance period” for about a…
  • 26 here too! Yay for the mid-upper 20s (I will be "upper" 20s in July, yikes). Such an interesting point in life, haha.
  • R42 SW 173.6 lbs Day/Weight/Comment 5/28 --173.6 lbs 5/29 -- 173.6 lbs 5/30 -- 172.6 lbs -- This is the lightest I have been since Nov/Dec of last year and down 8 lbs since February! That target weight of a consistent 165 by the end of the year (150 lbs is my "ultimate goal") seems much more attainable :) 5/31 6/01 6/02…
  • So close! May was a stellar month for me nonetheless. Thanks to all for the support! It really helped keep me motivated! Hoping June goes just as well. I will be out of the country for 2 weeks, but will have access to a kitchen so am hoping to stay on track. Plus, I won't have my young pup with me so I can make my daily…
  • R42 SW 173.6 lbs Day/Weight/Comment 5/28 --173.6 lbs --Just got back from vacation, so this weight actually feels pretty good and I am proud of myself for making healthy choices along the way! 5/29 -- 173.6 lbs – Made a new recipe last night that was delicious. Pan seared pork chops in a tablespoon of olive oil (salt,…
  • Newbie here! I participated in the "Lose 5+ lbs in May" challenge and really am loving the positive support and community from these MFP forums. R42 SW 173.6 lbs Day/Weight/Comment 5/28--173.6 lbs--Just got back from vacation, so this weight actually feels pretty good and I am proud of myself for making healthy choices…
  •'s not 5 lbs...but maybe I will do a last check-in on May 31st. Also, I went on vacation this past week and didn't completely gain all of it back so I say that's a win! Granted, the vacation was hiking in the National Parks in southern Utah so I was hiking 10+ miles a day for 3 days, but at least I didn't eat too…
  • I seriously will fluctuate by like 2-4 lbs WITHIN a single day. Don't be discouraged!
  • Felt slender this morning so figured I would give it a go even though it wasn't weigh in day. Glad I did! I was feeling discouraged from Tuesday, but it looks like it must have just been water weight, bloating, or something of that nature. Also went on an 8 mile hike yesterday that kicked my butt!...glad to be making…
  • [/quote] Ugh...went up again. Who knows though, hopefully it's a fluke and next week will be different!
  • My update! I think some hormone fluctuations may be contributing to the over 2 lb weight loss in just a week, but I will take it ;) Last week was my first time in a long time being consistent in recording my calories...holy cow, I needed that reality check! No, I didn't hit or stay under my caloric goal every day, but I…
  • Wow! You're already amazing. Keep it up :)
  • This will be my first challenge, but I am in dire need of some support! While becoming more active in the last few months, I still struggle with eating habits. I need to remind myself I will not see change without making a change. I am looking forward to the challenge and 5 lbs is a feasible goal! Original starting weight…