carolrosehill Member


  • Delicious and healthy dessert is chocolate pudding made with avocado. We just blend an avocado in the food processor with a pinch of salt, a couple of tbs of cocoa powder, sugar free almond milk, and a tbs of organic local honey. It tastes and had the texture of a 'real' dessert and if you add some berries or cream on top,…
  • They say losing weight makes you look good in your clothes, exercise makes you look good naked. Aside from the looking good, strength training is good for bone density, and there are a host of other physical and mental benefits to incorporating exercise. You can't out exercise a lousy diet, but it's a great complement to a…
  • We make a primal Texas chili. It has 9g of carbs, but it's yummy, and the non keto family can have theirs with the usual carby sides if they want, but you're still sharing your meal
  • I just discovered that Quest Nutrition makes a powdered version of MCT oil and coconut oil. That sounds like it has potential for adding to protein shakes or even maybe tea/coffee. I hate my coffee anything but black but I'm hoping this might be less nauseating than the regular BPC. Anyone tried these?
  • @Kitnthecat I'm in Canada too (GTA), and would love to know more about how to connect with sources for ordering meat as you described. Any chance you could share some info via pm?