amobailar Member


  • Thank you, thank you, thank you to all who responded; I truly appreciate your feedback. I hear you all saying to use a scale; I've got one but I've never used it honestly. I do need structure because I'm an emotional eater but at the same time I don't want my food/diet to take over my life so, I think this is great. The…
  • I'm getting married in 9 months; I need to lose about 30 pounds and in the same boat as you are. You'd think the fact that I'm getting married in less than a year would be motivation enough but it's not. I think mostly, my brain is just too overwhelmed with not just the wedding but life in general that it's hard to focus…
  • Oh my goodness, I didn't realize the oil from poison ivy was so transferable. I was climbing over boulders while hiking and there were green plants but I honestly didnt pay attention to them; I was paying more attention to my footing. Guess I'll pay more attention now. Lol. I would go to the doctor but it's too expensive…
  • My challenge is the weekend. I do pretty good during the week but I'm a weekend warrior and sometimes I can't stick to my diet on the weekends. I seem to gain any weight I lost during the week on the weekends. Ugh.