Gotchocolate Member


  • I personally don't think you need 100 grams but that's your choice and I won't judge anyone's diet. I am 5' 7",120 lbs. and feel great with around 60 grams protein, but I eat a mostly vegan diet and am not looking to gain muscle at the moment. Anyway, I have recently found pb2. It's a powdered product you find by the…
  • I had to add some protein bars, I always have one for breakfast and sometimes another one later in the day. I've tried a few and the best is this brand called Raw Rev Glow, I get them on amazon subscribe and save. The creamy peanut butter and dark chocolate sea salt peanut butter are the best I've tried. Don't get the…
  • I have also struggled with getting enough protein, but I eat mostly vegan. I found these Raw Rev Glow bars on amazon! I eat one of the creamy peanut butter sea salt ones every day now with breakfast! 180 calories and 15 grams protein, 13 grams fiber I think and only 3 grams of sugar. All real ingredients, no sugar alcohols…
  • I'm not an excellent cook... and I also love sweets. I always have a protein bar every day to add a little boost to my protein. I try to have some with everything I eat but always need a little more. I found Raw Rev Glow bars on amazon. And they taste good, have great real and vegan ingredients and are low in sugar. I like…
  • Agree with the Califia Almond milk creamer in vanilla recomendation! You have to shake it up really good but then it gives it almost a latte like frothiness in your coffee!
  • I agree it was a decision I wish I'd made sooner and I feel great! One thing I hunted for for months was a good coffee creamer. I recently found Califia Almond milk coffee creamer in vanilla and it is so great. You have to shake it alot before using it but then I gives your coffee a nice frothy almost latte like foam at…
  • Raw Rev Glow bars from amazon! Bonus they are vegan and the ingredients are all real food, no chemicals or sugar alcohols. You would think I've started working for them, I cannot stop recommending them since I found them a few weeks ago. The sugar is also low, which can be hard to find in a good tasting vegan bar. I like…
  • I cannot stop recommending these vegan protein bars I found on amazon. I think they are tasty and all the I gredients are healthy and real food, no chemicals, sugar alcohols, animal products... Anyway, they are Raw Rev Glow bars, the dark chocolate peanut butter sea salt is my favorite so far, don't even try the mint…
  • Raw rev glow! Vegan and no artificial junk, real ingredients. Get them in Amazon. I like the Dark chocolate peanut butter sea salt flavor. 180 calories, 11 grams protein, 13 grams fiber and only 3 grams sugar. No sugar alcohols like some quest bars have. And they taste good!
  • I agree that you don't need the amount of protein MFP suggests. I feel good getting around 50-55 grams a day, I'm 120 lbs and 5'7 for reference. I am also vegan and end up having a plant based protein bar almost every day to get to my goal. I just found Raw REV glow bars and OMG yummy and low sugar! I like the peanut…
  • I use Sunwarrior Warrior Blend Natural protein powder in Berry/Spinach/Avocado/almond milk smoothies that I make. It uses pea and hemp protein. No artificial stuff, but I don't use the full amount because I can taste it a little... I use a half scoop for a giant smoothie;) Amazon sells it.
  • This thread made me realize I should change my setting to sedentary on mfp to change my calorie limit to 1580, that more accurately reflects what I've found my body burns in a day. However, I hadn't ever thought of myself as sedentary! I'm a very busy stay at home mom to a 2 year-old:) Do any of you use the sedentary…
  • Mfp says my maintenance is 1770 with my weight of 119 lbs and being 5'7, with a lightly active setting. However, I was just saying that what I've found to be true (in real life) is that if I try to stay around 1500 calories my weight stays about the same. On the days I workout I eat more to compensate. Hope that clears up…
  • Two seperately issues here, that level of calories is NOT healthy and I think you should raise it immediately to at least 1200. However, I'm not going to make you feel bad for asking, that's what this forum is for right? And, I am also 5'7 and 120 lbs. I can maintain that weight with about 1500 calories on average. I eat…
  • I'm newly vegan, about 2 months now, I have a 2.5 year old and hubby who are not vegan, but I try to get them to eat more plant based foods. A quick lunch is an organic whole wheat pita bread, with hummus and fruit. The vitamin c in fruit helps aid in absorption of iron, so I try to pair a fruit with our meals as much as…
  • I would love to hear more vegan protein options as well. I second Larabars, I like the peanut butter chocolate, but maybe the chocolate will melt? There are many flavors without chocolate. I also recently found Bienna Roasted Chickpeas, I like the sea salt and the honey roasted flavors. They have about 6 grams of protein…