rosierbud Member


  • I do exactly the same thing!!!
  • I tend to binge when I'm tired. At home I'm's at work once the busy period is over and there's not a lot to do. Everyone just sits and talks and eats. I can sometimes fight it and just go for a walk around...but I find I'm at my weakest when I'm tired/jet lagged and am offered all sorts of treats. .. I've taken…
  • CW: 169 H: 5'10 GW: 152 Age: 37
  • I don't class myself as "fat"...I work for a very strict airline so would be pulled up if I was way overweight. I would be more comfortable 5-8 kilos lighter though. I'm not super skinny either. I've upped my calories to 1500 now. I did a flight today to Europe and didn't have any cravings (and was super tired) so I think…
  • You're right...I think my calories are too low. I'm on 1200. I prepare all my meals and freeze them into the right portions. I don't allow for treats so feel deprived after a while. Or if I go over my calories. ..even if it's with some fruit I feel like I've blown it. I take melatonin. ...on long flights I crave sugar so…
  • I guess it's not a lot over....but it's consistently a little over. I think I need an actual meal plan to hit the macros and be closer to my calorie goal.
    in Macros Comment by rosierbud June 2015
  • For weight loss....I am under my calories but seem to go over a bit in the macro department. ..
    in Macros Comment by rosierbud June 2015