slm7886 Member


  • That's nothing! U got this...continue to do what you've been doing and try not to weigh in all the time or it'll drive you bonkers!!
  • Lol you are so right!!! I tend to be really hard on myself and I hate it. Good point, thank you!
  • Came across this thread and I am so happy people share my same love for food !! At the end of the day "diets" don't work. When I am told what to eat and when to eat and how many times per day I always end up crashing and burning. I do not like feeling deprived what so ever! Look at effing Mediterranean women! They eat…
  • Lol ok u guys! Thank u! I know a lot of the weight is my monthly bill bloat if you know what I mean!
  • Congrats!! My goal weight is 120, I have also 8lbs do lose....and I just started. I would love it if you have me some tips ! I don't have kids so I didn't gain weight from kids, I got married tho! I just want to feel tiny again! And feel great in a bikini for summer and I have a vacation in 10 days!! Is it possible to lose…