powwlita Member


  • I've also lost 75 pounds, and have only gone down about 1 dress size. I was between a 28 and 30, and now I fit into some 26s. Keep going! At least you don't have to buy new clothes so often
  • I use a food scale when I cook at home and I have one at work to dole out portion sizes. I weigh myself officially once a week. I get on the scale every now and then between official weigh ins to see how im doing. I don't get upset, but it lets me know that I need to cut back if the numbers aren't changing.
  • me!
    in vegan Comment by powwlita February 2017
  • Hi. I am 5'1 - 5,2" and was 375 lbs. I believe I am under 300 now (weigh in is tomorrow, but all unofficial weigh ins have been between 290 and 298). Give yourself some more calories. At 323, I ate 1800 calories. I lost about 10 lbs without exercise. Now I am down to 1500 and I am trying to get more exercise, I have a…
  • just wanted to add my story too. My MIL died, my husband had to move to her town to take care of her estate. My parents didn't like me living alone while he was gone, and I was up to my eyes in debt, so I moved back in with my parents at 31. I am 33 now. It was hard as hell, because my brother and his gf live there, and my…
  • hi! Plant based as well. Would love more p.b / vegan friends here.
  • Also, know the reasons why you'd want to go plant based. Some meat eaters are hella touchy and feel personally offended that you don't eat meat or dairy anymore. I went vegan for the animals. The health benefits are an added bonus.
  • I went vegan overnight. I have made mistakes and even "paused" the veganism when I went on vacation in Europe. I love the Forks over Knives doc and I try to eat as closely as I can to this. I would start with small things, like switching from milk to a plant milk. Doing Meatless days, then eventually vegan days. One of the…
  • have you had a cheese-less pizza? I wasn't too fond of vegan cheese so I started getting veggie pizzas with no cheese. they are so good.
    in Vegan Comment by powwlita January 2017
  • Hello. This is my first time doing this. I have lost 68 lbs in the last year, but I still have over 150 to go. Prepping for weight loss surgery, but I am hoping to lose as much as I can before this.