priscillabecho Member


  • If cardio is all you do...yeah it gets boring :) Try integrating strength training into the mix. Get some solid music to keep you going (I like to listen to Rob Bailey and the Hustle Standard radio on Pandora). Once you keep it consistent and see results; you can't stop :)
  • It's good to get the best out of both worlds. I like to switch it up sometimes
  • Sometimes it can be the shoes you're wearing. If they're really old and used up, you may need to get another pair. Try looking for running shoes instead of training (cause those are mainly used for strength training like squats, lunges, etc.)
  • YouTube the workouts. There are MANY videos without having to pay. Housework sweeping, mopping,doing garden work also count, I mean youre moving--using forearms, biceps, etc. If you have a pool, then swim away, its a good exercise. If you have stairs, do step ups or lunges, with/without weight. Use resistance…
  • I do high-inclined walks on the treadmill. Lvl 15 @ 3 . If its a little too fast, slow it down, but dont change the incline. With this, You wont lose your butt as opposed to running long ,non-inclined distances. I feel that running too much makes your butt smaller and flatter :/ plus you get some awesome calves out of it,…
  • As long as they're not training shoes youre running in ...or Nike Shox. I learned the hard way. :|