Palmeralex Member


  • Hi and thanks for your inspirational thread. I am 8 lbs away from my goal which is to be within 'normal' BMI. 40 year old male, exercise is running. Stretch goal is to be middle of normal BMI. I often fall short of my protein goal - my first question is, if I am 500 calories short of my daily goal, should I make up the…
  • Actually now I think about it, if the reason for potassium is to counter sodium, I probably shouldn't be drinking the v8 juice at all, as it has stacks of salt in it and previously I was registering almost no sodium in a day at all!
  • The potassium thing doesn't always work. I searched for banana and put in 'generic banana' and it added some potassium to my nutrition for the day. I scanned the bar code on a banana and it didn't register any potassium. So I scanned the barcode for a litre of V8 vegetable juice and it didn't add any potassium for that…