Tracking potassium?

Does anyone who is managing calories get the RDA for potassium? It seems impossible. I get excited when i go over 50%. Why is that?


  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    It's a tough one to get enough of, definitely. You REALLY have to focus on fruits and vegetables to get enough.

  • dizzieblondeuk
    dizzieblondeuk Posts: 286 Member
    I think it's because lots of food have potassium, but in relatively low quantities. Sweet potato, bananas, fish, tomatoes and beans are all decent, but I believe, gram for gram, something like blackstrap molasses is one of the best things for a big hit of potassium for a (relatively) low calorie intake. 50 calories per tablespoon, and 500mg potassium. Bananas are the classic potassium rich food, I guess, but it's 400mg for about 100 calories (medium banana). But that's like, 8-10 bananas per day equivalent to reach your recommended level!

    So, yeah, it's damn hard to get to the magic RDA number. HOWEVER, the reason the potassium RDA is so high is because it's designed to specifically offset the amount of sodium in the average Western diet. If you have a low sodium diet - and I've found my calorie reduction, combined with healthy food choices naturally does this anyway - then the amount of potassium required to counteract the damage sodium is doing to your various body systems is lower. It's just that the USDA or the UK NHS aren't going to give a list of caveats why you don't need to reach the guideline amount of potassium! But that's one way you can get less than 50% of RDA and still be in a 'healthy' range.
  • SimoneBee12
    SimoneBee12 Posts: 268 Member
    It's also important to note that in the U.S. food companies are not required to list the amount of potassium in their product, so a lot don't. You might be eating a bit more than you think. Try eating more vegetables, even potato has a ton of potassium and it should help.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I think it's because lots of food have potassium, but in relatively low quantities. Sweet potato, bananas, fish, tomatoes and beans are all decent, but I believe, gram for gram, something like blackstrap molasses is one of the best things for a big hit of potassium for a (relatively) low calorie intake. 50 calories per tablespoon, and 500mg potassium. Bananas are the classic potassium rich food, I guess, but it's 400mg for about 100 calories (medium banana). But that's like, 8-10 bananas per day equivalent to reach your recommended level!

    So, yeah, it's damn hard to get to the magic RDA number. HOWEVER, the reason the potassium RDA is so high is because it's designed to specifically offset the amount of sodium in the average Western diet. If you have a low sodium diet - and I've found my calorie reduction, combined with healthy food choices naturally does this anyway - then the amount of potassium required to counteract the damage sodium is doing to your various body systems is lower. It's just that the USDA or the UK NHS aren't going to give a list of caveats why you don't need to reach the guideline amount of potassium! But that's one way you can get less than 50% of RDA and still be in a 'healthy' range.

    This is an EXCELLENT point.
  • codename_steve
    codename_steve Posts: 255 Member
    I've also been finding it hard to get the RDA of potassium! I'm training for a marathon, so I've been rather focused it. I've found that the frozen entree Healthy Choice Simply has at least 1,000 mg of potassium, so I pair that with a peach (about 350 calories for 1,400 mg). Also kiwi has 860 mg for 160 calories. I'm going to try adding Kiwi and blackstrap molasses to my oatmeal for breakfast.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    edited June 2015
    If you're going by food labels, you may be getting more than you think because many companies won't tell us everything and list only what they're required to list. Very frustrating. If you want a better total, see if you can find the food on the USDA site and enter that info.

    But most Americans are not getting enough potassium. You have to work at it. Since too much is a bad thing, the makers of multivitamins don't put a ton in there, so you have to watch your food...if you care about potassium, which I'm sure you do, since you posted this. :)

  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    what they all said about non compulsory reporting. Read some articles and youll realise you are getting more than you think. If im doing intensive stuff where I sweat for long periods then I might consider some electrolytes, but a generla healthy balanced diet will replace everything just fine.
  • ejbronte
    ejbronte Posts: 867 Member
    From finding potassium hard to come by, I now am able to build it up quite nicely. Kale and spinach are both very good sources. Beans too. I have either banana or an orange for breakfast, and that's a nice boost of potassium right there. In addition, though the macro for me is 3500, I usually get between 1200 and 2000 a day; when I had my last blood test, my potassium levels, which had been awful in December, were just right. So that less-than-macro amount is actually fine for me. And I also do try hard to balance it against the sodium and be as sure as possible that there's more potassium during the day than sodium.
  • Palmeralex
    Palmeralex Posts: 40 Member
    The potassium thing doesn't always work. I searched for banana and put in 'generic banana' and it added some potassium to my nutrition for the day. I scanned the bar code on a banana and it didn't register any potassium. So I scanned the barcode for a litre of V8 vegetable juice and it didn't add any potassium for that either! So it looks like you have to be careful when a barcode doesn't provide certain nutritional info. However 2 sweet potatoes and a banana get me at least half way there. I think sweet potatoes are a secret weapon - pretty low calorie and 2 is enough for lunch without feeling hungry for a while.
  • Palmeralex
    Palmeralex Posts: 40 Member
    Actually now I think about it, if the reason for potassium is to counter sodium, I probably shouldn't be drinking the v8 juice at all, as it has stacks of salt in it and previously I was registering almost no sodium in a day at all!