SaffronSunrise Member


  • I feeeeeeeeeels like I'm getting pizza for dinner now!
  • Love Skinny Cow. They're not tiny, but I think just enough to calm that hankering. I don't have any here, or I'd check the weight.
  • I'm getting ready to start with turmeric paste. It was recommended for my doggie (who has cancer) and it's supposed to help. I'd already made a batch for Dakota, so why not?? If it does anything for me I'll let you know.
  • I haven't been here long, but I've learned so much from reading other threads. Just a few months ago I fully believed in "starvation mode" but after reading so many threads, it really doesn't make sense. I started weighing everything on my scale and my eyes were opened. Peanut butter broke my heart a little. Another thing…
  • Set your goal to 1 lb or .5 lb per week. You'll lose weight more slowly, but it'll be healthy loss and will be more sustainable.
  • This made me LOL! I weigh at the gym while trying to block the big slidey thing from everyone's view and quietly move it to that "200" notch all while trying to maintain my poker face as I have to move the little slidey thing farther to the right than I expected. *Sorry for all of the technical terms.
  • If you stayed in a deficit, then you're fine and it's probably just water weight. I don't have a scale at home, so I'm not tempted to weigh myself every day, which is good for me, as I've still got quite a bit to lose. As I get closer to goal, I will get a scale a weight myself more often than every couple of weeks. A lot…
  • I've been stressed out lately so I haven't been eating even close to what I should be eating. Today, however....I'm so hungry that I could eat a sofa cushion.
  • I've discovered that I can lose 2-4 lbs if I stop lifting for a week. The scale goes back up when I get back in the gym but it's only water so I don't worry about it. It's just interesting how our bodies work.
  • You'll lose it from all over so take more measurements. I take, bust, chest (where your bra band would be), waist, hips, arms, thighs, neck and calves. I've lost more in my legs and waist, but tummy doesn't want to budge. You'll start lose from your hips, etc., but unfortunately, we have no control over what goes first.…
  • You should!!! I may give it a try when I get more of this weigh off.
  • Those packets of tuna are handy to have around.
  • Girl, you know you need to take care of yourself! :smiley: Give yourself the care you give your patients.
  • I'd love to, but I'm skeerd I'll break a hip or something.
  • What Steve said. You really shouldn't be embarrassed to walk in your neighborhood, but I totally understand if you feel uncomfortable doing that. As much as I dislike taking in the groceries and try to get everything in one trip from the car, make more trips carrying in your groceries, if you have a car. If you need…
  • Everyone has given you great advice!! I'd rather eat my calories than drink them because I stay fuller, longer. Meal prepping is a life saver. I usually prep for the week on Sunday. I can bake a package of chicken on Sunday & roast a batch of veggies and use them the rest of the week in salads, wraps, stir fries, etc. If…
  • Ain't that the truth!! Makes me sad and a little embarrassed about those times when I wasn't really hungry so I decided just to have a few crackers with some peanut butter for dinner.
  • Yes. I had to learn the hard way. I was trying to get everything entered in a hurry from my phone and went back to enter in my dinner that night. One of the generic entries that I had put in had 0 cal listed but luckily I caught it was able to correct it and still had a calorie deficit for the day. Whenever I'm entering…
  • I there with you. I've lost about 20 and no one has noticed, but I usually wear baggy clothes anyway. They've just gotten a little baggier, but I haven't gone down a size. I'm hoping it'll be more of a change when I get below that magical number of 200.
  • Whuuuuutt???? I'm gonna have to grab some of those the next time I'm in the store.
  • Anything that will fit into your calorie goal for the day. :smile:
  • I know I didn't get to this size by over eating one time, so I'm not going to gain it back by over eating one time. I don't want to slow down or stall so I try to make sure it's a conscious decision to go over my calories and that it's worth the calories and that I savor it, (ie. not grabbing a stale donut off the plate at…
  • You could have lost where you're not measuring, but someone here had the best analogy (sorry I can't remember who so I can't give credit), but it helped me. You've lost 5 lbs. so imagine a 5 lb jar of peanut butter spread all over your boy & how thin the layer would be. It helped me to put things in perspective, while…
  • Yep! I like to think of it as training for future maintenance. In the past I would throw in the towel if I over ate & start the "diet" again on Monday.......even if I over ate on Tuesday. Now, I just make sure I stay in my deficit for the rest of the week and so far, so good. Try not to beat yourself up to the point of…
  • I tried oil pulling once and just couldn't do it.
  • I weigh as I'm building the sandwich or fixing my plate too. I bought a square plate which makes it easier to see the weights with the plate sitting on top. My scale won't weigh negatives, so if I'm going to weigh something from the jar, I just weigh the jar, take out what I want and subtract the ending number from the…
  • Do you stop logging when you "binge"? I log everything, including the times I over eat. Taking that extra step makes me think a little more about what I do and if it's really worth it to me to waste my calories on "x". If it's good pizza, usually the answer is "yes". If you need notes around the house, then leave notes…
  • I cook with it, use it for a hair mask add it to my doggies food, spread it on toast instead of butter.
  • I'm much older and have a lot of weight to lose, but the biggest change I've made was weighing and food on a scale and strength training (lifting). I allow myself to eat what I want as long as I'm staying in a calorie deficit. Luckily, we have a small gym at work so I was able to start working out with weights because I…
  • A couple of weeks ago I took a week off from the gym. I continued to eat in a deficit. The following Monday I weighed myself at the gym and I had lost about 5 pounds. I went back to my weigh lifting split and gained a couple of pounds by Tuesday gym time. Weds. I had gained another pound. Not what I wanted to see, but I…