cpeak1 Member


  • I guess I was just wanting to see how other people do theirs because I want to make sure I'm being accurate with my intake. I am still seeing results so I guess I'm doing ok . Anyway thanks for the feeback.
  • Thanks for the insight, and I see how it could hurt someone's feelings of people judged them about something they had in their diarie. I would never do that but I see what the pros and cons could be. Thanks again.
  • Ok I get it . Just a question . Don't take it the wrong way. I understand.
  • I think I accidentally rejected a friend request from one of you and did not mean to so ask again and I'll add ya . Oops
  • Thanks for all the advice and support .I appreciate it a lot , and sorry if I didn't respond to some of your posts but I'm still tryin to figure out this forum and how it works and all. If any of you would like to add me as friend just ask. Thanks again.
  • Thanks for support and I am just really motivated . I was in excellent shape when I was in U.S Army , but I kind of got lazy and now I'm kickin myself in the *kitten* . Anyway I'm just entering everything and if I get close to limit I just don't eat anymore that day. Also protein shakes keep energy up and are healthy. I…