tattooed4life99 Member


  • I myself am on a 1200 calorie diet. My dietitian recommended that. I weigh 185 lbs. I need to be at 115-155. I lost 35 so far. Just need more support
  • Right outside of hershey,Pennsylvania
  • I test my sugar levels on even calendar days at 630am n my odd days at 930-10pm. Thank you for more links. My Dr n dietitian have me taking invokana n lipitor. I drink about a gallon a water a day. You can view my diary if you like to see if you can suggest better suggestions if you like. I need any help
  • Thank you both. I will go off both links. I need to lose 30lbs. Also I test my sugar levels daily it tends to float between 165-220. I need any help possible