Nixynix87 Member


  • Plateau could be due to your body becoming used to your exercise routine too. It's important to mix up and increase your exercise types and intensity. Maybe try a circuit class to help with this or add some HIIT training to your routine. This continues to fire the metabolism hours after exercise.
  • You still need to incorporate cardiovascular in any hypertrophy training to gain muscle or endurance and resistance training to get more definition. Loose skin will not entirely shift but can become less with more weight training to add bulk and definition to that area of the skin. Cardiovascular is important as a warm up…
  • What sort of workouts are you doing and are you making sure that your intake is lower than ur output. Eg to lose weight eat 500 calories less than normal and burn 500 calories in exercise a day. Will lose approx 0.5lb a week this way.