trombly224 Member


  • I think this would be okay for toning. It does have some bungie cords to add resistance. It's not a bad machine but I don't think it can replace a gym membership.
  • I have one i bought it because of the lack of space i have and price compared to the total gym. If you go to YouTube you can find countless exercizes basically anything you can do on the total gym this can do. It is heavy to move around. I've been using it for a few months and it seems like i was able to progress quickly…
  • Thanks for the advice maybe i will keep logging just to know where I'm at even if i do go over. Which I know I will but isn't that what vacations are for to lose the stress for a while. I just wanted some reassurance that my last 5 months wouldn't be undone in a week. Thanks again. I'm going from Massachusetts to Arizona…
    in Vacation Comment by trombly224 June 2015
  • Bring half home and have it tomorrow for lunch.