Maelstrom143 Member


  • My sincere condolences on your loss. That has to be a harsh adjustment. Kudos to you for taking control of your health again, though. I wish you the best on the new journey you have undertaken.
    in Hi Comment by Maelstrom143 July 2022
  • Breakfast is usually my main meal, but that makes no difference. I am on a 40/30/30 breakdown of carbs/protein/fats for my intake. If you are allergic to eggs, then you may not be able to use some of the things I do. If you are not allergic to eggs, then I use protein pastas sometimes to make some of our meals. I also use…
  • Since he is going over his Kcals with the after-hours snacks, if he counts it as the next day meal Kcals, he will have to eat less than normal during the normal day to account for the Kcals he ate during his sleeping hours, so he will go hungry. He may, instead, wish to plan meals that have less Kcals, but are more…
  • Not getting proper sleep actually can interfere with weight loss goals, as well as general overall health goals. For some of us, it can even cause tachyarrhythmias if we allow ourselves too many sleepless nights over a long period of time. For myself, I use my cell phone to help me stay on track. My alarm clock has a wake…