rune1990 Member


  • Me me me too please :) Just getting out of an incredibly draining relationship, avoided ANYTHING that resembled something I enjoyed to avoid narcissistic retaliation. I feel so much lighter even tho I have regained about 25lbs.
  • 1-My mini goal is not to eat too little for the next 4 weeks. I love seeing the numbers going down, but I don't want to dip into the starve/binge cycle. This has been happening since I lost the excess fat reserve that has been fueling me! 2-Run three times a week. The snow is GONE, the roads are clear and the sun is out…
  • Just wanted to point out, this was the second post to the op. No help indeed.
  • I've added all of you, and anyone else add me up too. Looking to change my plan up, from sl 5*5 to madcow. Been doing sl 5*5 for about 8 months, great results.
  • I try to bring my chest to the bar as I come down, seems to really help. And increases that arch.
  • Just for comparison, this is basically what my bench (at gym) looks similar too.
  • Ya baby arch for me too. I think. Ok ok, all I really know is my lower back isn't touching the bench. My gym is pretty quiet and I've only ever seen a handful of other folks use the squat rack...actually I had to use it today for bench and the rails set up at a distance that's just a bit to high, or a bit too low. If I…
  • Actually my bench at the gym has two safety arms to catch a fail just inches above my face, then above that at my arms length is the first set of pegs and above that is the second set. If it's really awkward I would bench in the squat rack, so much more options to position it just right! Plus I generally don't have a…
  • I'm short, 5'2, and I use the lower pegs. They're at the perfect height for my arms when fully extended. I'm not sure I could even reach the top ones!
  • My goal for May will be 50 miles, stay healthy and eat enough :)
  • 4/01-3.1 what a slog, high HR in the 167 range 4/02-4 great run, felt like I could keep going forever. Low HR about 150 June 25 Perth Kilt Run 8km
  • Awesome, hello April! My goal for April will be 55 miles. I hope to finally get some added miles and longer runs, without any near injury misses. I also plan to add in some weight lifting. This might get interesting! June 25 Perth Kilt Run 8km
  • 3/1 - 3.1 3/2 - 3.1 3/3 - x-train stationary bike 3/4 - 3.1 slooow miles with my average HR 3/5 - bought new shoes! 3/6 - 4 miles 3/7 - x-train stationary bike 3/8 - 3.1 3/9 - 3.1 3/10 - true rest day 3/11 - awesome 3.1 3/12 - 3.1 windy but great 3/13 - 2 mile building 3/14 - x-train stationary bike 3/15 - awesome 3.1.…
  • Ran in my sauconys instead of the mizunos today just to test out the possible aggravation on the hip. Next run will be in the mizunos. My hip seemed to dislike sitting more then running. 3/1 - 3.1 3/2 - 3.1 3/3 - x-train stationary bike 3/4 - 3.1 slooow miles with my average HR 3/5 - bought new shoes! 3/6 - 4 miles 3/7 -…
  • Decided to test out the hip today and it felt pretty good on the treadmill for a 5k. I've been resting it from running for about 3 days, focusing on stretching and strength which I will continue to do. I think for now I will go back to running every other day and build up those runs. After and undecided amount of time I…
  • @zmcgrandles that is awesome, congrats on your first race and great job!!! @kristinegift aww awesome friends :) @brian_gunther wooohoooo you got this! Those programs got me running! @ceciliaslater grats on the race, awesome job on the finish post injury!
  • @ariceroni love the outfits, well done! @meganridenour lovely pic, tho that looks like the water is realllllly high? @skippygirlsmom my husband used to do long haul, gone for about 3 weeks at a time. Not quite as long as yours, but I know how ya feel. Kinda sucks eh! @Elise4270 Wow that is a lot of bling, lol. My race that…
  • @HonuNui I'll be thinking about your son and sending nice healthy vibes your way. Strength to you thru this.
  • Wow, happy birthdays and grats on first marathons and halfs and PR's and so much awesomeness going on! This thread was fun in the winter, but I can see that it's going to be great over the summer too! I signed up for my first race! I decided not to go for the HM, I can always sign up for that another year when I'm a little…
  • My hip is being a little annoying, not sure whats going on there but I will ice it and take some anti-inflammatory and see how that feels. Doesn't hurt at all when running, but if i'm sitting and pick up my knee, i feel it. I run the same route pretty much and never see anyone else running. Sometimes I see a few people out…
  • 3/1 - 3.1 3/2 - 3.1 3/3 - x-train stationary bike 3/4 - 3.1 slooow miles with my average HR 3/5 - bought new shoes! 3/6 - 4 miles 3/7 - x-train stationary bike 3/8 - 3.1 3/9 - 3.1 3/10 - true rest day 3/11 - awesome 3.1 3/12 - 3.1 windy but great 3/13 - 2 mile building 3/14 - x-train stationary bike 3/15 - awesome 3.1.…
  • @WhatMeRunning ok ok I giggled! Honestly that was almost as good as a race report ;) Hear me raw...awoww oww. Awesome for you tho, I'm totally jealous of all that running extra goodness! @9voice9 You're doing so great, it's really inspiring to watch you getting back into it with sound reasoning. @AdrianChr92 nice vid! I…
  • Still forcing myself to run slower, and slower, trying to keep the HR down. I'm super focusing on this, honest! And yet according to strava, I beat my (admittedly not high) PR's for 5k and mile times! During the run I kept thinking that I probably could go a little faster... 3/1 - 3.1 3/2 - 3.1 3/3 - x-train stationary…
  • I was only supposed to add a mile today, but it seemed so silly to change and head out for a whole 12 min, so I thought I would perhaps just run a mile on the treadmill. But the sun was shining, and spring has sprung and I decided I could walk and then just run my mile in the middle somewhere. This was a good plan! I ran…
  • That goes double for me! And I wish I had all the money so I could enter all the races :) AND I'm jealous of no parkruns here.
  • Every single time I go running now I love my new shoes more and more. I have NO twinges from my shins and my extensor tendonitis has healed more in the past week then it has in months. Needless to say it was a great run today. And oddly, the slower I tried to take it, the faster my time actually was. And my HR was down…
  • @skippygirlsmom thanks I will do! Then at least I can wear shorts :) Actually just had to add, I wasn't too sure how old your daughter was, from your posts. At some points I thought she was very young, like 5 or so, then you'd mention her in another post and I'd think 'omgosh, she's like college age!' Now that you mention…
  • 6c(43f) and omg it was t-shirt running weather. Even in only the t-shirt I was still warm, I was still wearing my winter compression tights tho. I could start wearing capris but I really like the compression on my shins. Maybe they have a stay cool compression legging..and a stay cool long sleeve tech shirt... 3/1 - 3.1…
  • So sorry to hear that @karllundy @Stoshew71 thanks for that info re weight loss and deficits. When I first started running I ran to lose weight. Now I lose weight to run.
  • My entire running time has been in a deficit. I am really curious what I would feel like, how much my improvement would change, if I wasn't in a deficit. I really can't wait till I'm done losing weight, unfortunately I have another 40 to go. I'm (almost, next month) 44, 5'2 and 163. I eat between 1500-1600 and lose about…