melissamj90 Member


  • Oh and I've abolished bread completely as that is my weakness... I love bread!!
  • Hey guys yes I measure my foods. Mainly Carbs like pasta potatoes cereals etc... I've been trying carbless meals so my plate is 50% proteins (chicken,eggs) and 50% speeds (veg,salad,fruits) I've even stuck for around 6 weeks. I have upped my exercise but no not replacing burned cals as I'm not genuinely hungry. I tend to…
  • North Yorkshire here, on day 2
  • I think I'm leaning more towards the the fitbit flex as I'm not overly bothered about the HRT. More of a calorie and step watcher lol. Thank you for your comments though as I hadn't heard of some that have been mentioned, will have to research them ones first
    in Gadgets Comment by melissamj90 June 2015
  • Thank you Hun. You too!