thelordswarrior777 Member


  • Your skin will tighten up but it will take time. We are repairing years of abuse to our bodies. As a man our problem areas tend to be our mid section otherwise known as the "muffin top". Women's problem areas tend to be hips and thighs. Those are almost always the last thing to go. I am not currently qualified to give…
  • Abs are all about body fat %. You will never see them unless you achieve a lower fat%. Diet and genetics are key. But everyone can have that 6 or 8 pack, some just have to work harder than others. Do your abs first during your workouts and do tons of cardio. I usually do my weight lifting, then abs then cardio during a…
  • About 2 years to lose the weight. I plateaued several times and didn't have a trainer. It's best to lose that much weight slowly because of the dreaded "extra skin" that comes with fast weight loss. I "yo yo'd" a few times during this period also. I just refused to give up. I finally decided I had enough.
  • I'd be happy to keep you motivated and help you build your testimony! I was at 290 when I was my heaviest but now am 180 lbs. It takes time. Always remember nothing comes easy. We have to replace many years of abuse to our bodies and metabolism and even self esteem.That takes dedication, discipline and perseverance! You…
  • Add me as your friend if you want some friendly competition or even some advice on the things I do to achieve my fitness goals. I do fitness and weight training. God bless you!