yvonitaa191 Member


  • I've always had a naturally huge appetite - and I mean really huge! The things that helped me controlling it (in order of ease and effectiveness) 1. EC stack first thing on waking up, effective until early evening 2. Cardio 3. High protein/low carb diet (but i found this too restrictive so i didn't keep it up for long).…
  • I just took my measurements: Bust: 46 inches Waist: 32 inches Hips: 44 inches Shoulders: 46 inches With another 10kg to lose, the shoulders might come down? I hope so! :-)
  • Newbie bump! :) Sorry if this is a dumb question but how are you ladies measuring your shoulders? Are you just going all the way around them with a tape measure? Im asking because my shape is very IT, but because my butt sticks out more behind, the hip measurement going round is the same as the shoulders going round, yet…